My firey resistance limericks for January 6, 2025…
Oh well, here we go once again
with Trump’s most deplorable friends.
It’s easy to think
amid the sad stink
that we’ll all meet a horrible end.
The MAGA barbarians loom.
Our gates will be opening soon.
With chaos writ large
and no one in charge
…here comes the army of doom.
Trump thinks he’s running the show.
In fact, he’s remarkably slow
to see his way past
the arm up his ass…
he’s slave to his frail ego’s woe.
The best hope we have to survive
is rivals who fester and thrive.
Insider blows
will engage their minds so
that their plans take a fatal swan dive.
My firey resistance non-limericks…
Elon Musk is stalking Trump like Jim Carey in The Cable Guy.
After the election
Donny’s monsterous erection
got him thinking very, very, *very* large.
But Shadow Leader Musk
makes our future prez a husk
who quite foolishly believes that *he’s* in charge.
Musk killed a bill with X
for him, it’ s like hot sex…
he masturbates with fingers on his screen.
Where Donald goes, he’s there
like the Cable Guy laid bare:
How long before poor Donald
sees this leech for what he is?
The spotlight never swings away for long.
He craves a kindred spirit
but gets scared each time he’s near it
because granting equal time to one is wrong.
Trump is Putin’s puppet
and a sucker for a cheer.
He’ll kiss dictator’s asses for a nod.
Admirer of Adolf
with a heart like Bernie Madoff
and sychophants who tell him he’s a god.
Both of them just want to rule the world
and march around with penises unfurled.
They’re sure they’re quite hot shit
but in truth, much less than spit
and the whole idea’s enough to make me hurl!