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Hidden Treasures

By Nicusor Ciumacencu — Before any analyzing, "Uncle Frank," written and directed by Alan Ball, is pleasant to watch, literally; its color

By Nicusor Ciumacencu — I recently watched Season 3 of "Party Down," which ran just over a month from February-end to March-end

By Nicusor Ciumacencu  —  EASY. That’s how Ted Lasso always felt - the story, development, predictability, expectancy, etcetera. An easy show with not many

By Ernest Kearney — I am an aficionado when it comes to Flamenco. I am also a huge fan of both

At 60, when most people are planning for retirement or researching where they're going to spend the remainder of their days, Stevenson Ranch resident Braddon

By Ernest Kearney — Christopher William Johnson and his School of Night company has, over the years, been responsible for an impressive array of

All the shows reviewed, during Hollywood Fringe Festival 2022, are ranked in one of the five categories listed below: PLATINUM: These are shows that are

By Ernest Kearney — It cannot be said that Joyful Raven’s “Breed or Bust” is a beautifully written piece chronicling one woman’s

By Ernest Kearney — What is startling about Charlotte Munson’s performance in her musical “Di Lady Di,” is the agility she displays

By Ernest Kearney — At first Clive Kennedy seems out of place on the stage at the Complex, where he is performing in

By Ernest Kearney — Frankly, I have always thought that Christopher Durang’s 1979 play was a lousy piece of playwriting – melodramatic,

By Ernest Kearney — Playwright Carolyn Gage announces that the "Maid of Orlèans," in her 1987 play, "The Second Coming of Joan of Arc,"

By Ernest Kearney — “Lights up!” a voice calls from the darkness before explaining, “That’s a theatre thing.” Aptly enough, we are left in the

By Ernest Kearney — Remove the focus of the hit series "Mad Men" away from the masculine realm of Madison Avenue, fix

By Ernest Kearney — Well like a phoenix rising from a pandemic pyre the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2022 is here!   Two hundred and twenty-six

By Ernest Kearney  —  "Black Woman in Deep Water" written and performed by Makena Hammond, under Jane Fleiss Brogger’s, direction is a pearl whose

By Ernest Kearney — "Goldbaby" is a sketch group cut from the same cloth as Saturday Night Live, but, to their credit, the group

Ernest Kearney — I love it when I’m describing a film to someone and I see that pallid perturbed look of perplexity slowly pervade

by Ernest Kearney — Everyone should read Montaigne;* though he wrote nearly 500 years ago, there is hardly a writer today who speaks with

By Ernest Kearney — These are trying times, no argument, but there is much that can be learned through adversity. Now I have always