Sarah Manning is the key. She is brave, brash and ballsy. It’s one or a combination of these traits that come to her aid when she is being threatened. She is like her sisters and unlike them in that she has had a child.
- Sarah Manning right off the train reaches out to Mrs. S in an effort to reconnect with her daughter whom she hasn’t seen in almost a year. An orphan with a less-than-stellar past, Kira has become her primary reason to finally grow up. Her life is, in fact, about to change in a way that she would have never predicted. (Courtesy of BBC America)
- Sarah spots someone or something in the near deserted train station that pulls her attention. Movie toward the woman—who appears in distress, stops Sarah cold as it seems she’s looking in a mirror. This is her doppelganger, Beth Childs, right before her final walk. (Courtesy of BBC America)
- Tightly wound Alison Hendrix may prove to be an asset as the girls search for answers; if she can just keep her hands off the prescription bottle in the cabinet and the chardonnay in the cupboard. Juggling husband, adopted children, exercising, keeping House Beautiful, a community acting career and the Clone Club is simply more than a suburban mom can bare at times.
- Brainy Cosima Niehaus, is being courted by Dyad to join their ranks. Worse yet, she’s begun to exhibit signs of a rare illness that could benefit from the high tech Dyad facilities. Would she be able to learn more working in-house or will being pulled into the lion’s labyrinth turn out to be her or her sisters downfall?
- Programmed by religious zealot Tomas, Helena is convinced the clones are abominations and won’t rest until they are all underground. Not inherently bad, her indoctrination in an isolated environment has congealed that belief as well as her volatile idiosyncrasies. Oh and, turns out, she’s Sarah’s long-lost twin she never knew existed. Surprise!!
- Pro-clone Rachel Duncan already a proven asset for the Dyad Institute is tasked with bringing the others into the fold. One knows little about her at this point, but she’s been, obviously, well provided for and is a major player in the organization that appears to want no-good for her sisters. She’s top dog in a house of puppies.
- Katja Obinger: The first to fall by Helena’s hand was trying to warn Sarah when the bullet found her. Oh Katja, we barely knew ya’
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