By Darwyn Carson — Wish your streaming came avec un peu de français? From the Desk of TV5MONDE: Your pic of Films, Documentaries and Favorite Series. See How To Watch Below!
At 60, when most people are planning for retirement or researching where they're going
to spend the remainder of their days, Stevenson Ranch resident Braddon Mendelson decided to become a playwright.
HOLLYWOOD, CA — The Hollywood Fringe has officially launched a new mobile app for community members to access show information, purchase tickets, and organize schedules throughout the festival.
By Darwyn Carson — Aren’t we tired of this yet…? I s’pect there are plenty out there who are. I can feel the ‘bubble-bubble-toil and trouble” rumblings as I drift off to sleep every night, making for some troubling dreams.
By Darwyn Carson — I grew up in a Midwestern state, on the Eastern side of the United States. As a youngster, Akron seemed like the biggest city there ever was. I mean, the Rubber Capitol of the World had to be among the
by Darwyn Carson - Mayday — is about everyday life and living; storytelling, anecdotes, truth telling and far- flung fantasy tales both real and imagined interspersed with interviews from everyday people about their everyday lives.
By Darwyn Carson — Now we know. "The Game's" Episode 5 delivered—as promised—the identity of The Mole. Clever writing, this, from series creator Toby Whithouse and writing partner Sarah Dollard.
By Darwyn Carson - (originally published 12/2014) Just as we were about to yawn and say pass the potatoes please, three unique Points of Play in "The Game," Episodes three and four, snapped us upright into pay-attention mode.
by Darwyn Carson — Time to Gird Your Loins everybody. If you haven't refreshed your memory yet, there's plenty of time and opportunity to start marathoning previous seasons. Good Luck to us All no matter where your loyalties may reside.