The peaceful dawning has come and gone. This day is like a long breath of air that has been held for quite some time. The citizen’s of Paulie have been waiting far too long to exhale…
Here’s Creator Ray McKinnon on season one, day two of Rectify:
During Daniel’s conversation with Tawny he confesses that, inside the prison, the walls were so thick he never knew when it was raining. He doesn’t know if he can recall what thunder sounds like. Is what he recalls a real memory or something imagined?
“I’m just so aware that most of what I draw on from inside my head are things that I’ve read about. My real life experiences are really rather narrow.”
Tawny asks him, “What was real to you Daniel?”
“The time in between the seconds,” he responds “… and my books… and my friend.”
Tawny grabs hold of Daniel’s hand during their brief conversation. A spontaneous and innocent touch that spawns a strong connection.
It is ironic that the first physical contact Daniel has, aside from his mother and sister, is with Ted, Jr.’s wife.
Earlier that very day, Ted, Jr. had questioned whether Daniel could have conjugal visits on death row. No, Daniel tells him. In fact, there was no human contact at all… or at least there wasn’t supposed to be. And he lays out, so that Ted, Jr. has no doubt to what he is referring, exactly what sort of physical contact could be forced on a helpless inmate.
Ted, Jr. is repelled by Daniel. Tawny is drawn to him.
Rectify Season 2 premieres Thursday, June 19th at 9:00PM (Photo by Blake Tyers – Courtesy of Sundance TV)