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By Darwyn Carson — Aren’t we tired of this yet…? I s’pect there are plenty out there who are. I can feel the ‘bubble-bubble-toil and trouble” rumblings as I drift off to sleep every night, making for some troubling dreams.
I mean, these tales never stop and always, no matter how seemingly insignificant, land close to my emotional heart. And yet, even I have to take a break from time to time. I feel spent, after hearing about all the doom and gloom. There is just so much of it!
And still, we are impelled to pass our story along. Out loud. As if, this story will land differently than others and maybe change someone’s POV. Just one would make it worth it.
It’s not so much that our experience is any more grievous than the last one shared, it’s that we are left with that now ubiquitous “#metoo movement” feeling that began so small, but was so universally experienced, it took but moments for other female voices to chime in. And like a Tsunami, it gathered force and rolled not only across this nation, but the world.
The Mayday story I share with you here has been rolling around inside of me for over a decade, as you will hear. And as such, has longtime felt like an unfinished piece of life business.
So… I can say, with all candor, that by recording this story to share with everyone — no matter how insignificant you may find it — has brought me a sense of completion. At least for this one event.
I will continue to experience a degree of being ill-judged and ill-treated upon entering a room, a store, a financial institution, or a restaurant only to find I am immediately disparaged because of my skin color. As hard as we fight, as empathetic as our supporters have been and will continue to be, there will always be others who can only experience themselves as whole and worthy by clinging to a belief that there are those who are “lower” than they are, who are “not as worthy” as they are, who are by their very existence, an annoyance.
I have ceased wondering why these people have to have an “enemy” in order to feel worthy and “okay.” That is a never-ending rabbit-hole with more than one Cheshire cat promoting aberrant ideologies. I can cleave, solely, to my own sense of self-worth, my own moral code, and my own honor; to take the counsel of good, honest, intelligent, and caring people whose arms remain wide open with room for all and whose life creed allows for all of us to exist equally on this planet.
Why would I want it to be any different?
Below is the email response from a relative who looked into the Los Angeles County rules and regulations of residential private roads. At their request and out of consideration I have removed their name to maintain their privacy.
“OK, I checked all the roads, surrounding (that Hollywood Hills area), with the Los Angeles County Assessor’s website. The logic here is that anything that is private property will always have a schedule number and be assessed taxes. Anything that is not will be identified within this system.
I checked properties throughout the neighborhood (including where you’re living) and checked it against the streets that service the neighborhood. Granito Drive is no different than Hollywood Blvd. Neither is being assessed taxes as a private residence and thus should be considered L.A. County property.
The fact that the road has been posted as “Private,” I think, has more to do with keeping cars from going up there to a dead end and having to turn around and go back. I’m sure it wasn’t difficult to get the city to agree to put up a sign in that the neighborhood, in order to deter an endless parade of vehicles ending up there by accident only to have to turn around.
I’m no attorney but I would suspect that if a road was “Private” to the point of keeping everybody out, there would be separate sign, posted emphatically “Private — No Trespassing,” in a highly visible manner. Just being posted “Private” on the street sign isn’t enough.
In my opinion you can walk up there anytime you want as you and others have done in the past. Just keep to the road and make sure no one can claim you’re walking on their property.”
Obviously ignoring that A-hole that was bothering you before will be a good thing.
I’ll look forward to hearing how your next trip up there goes!”
Reply to Family Member, Feb 27, 2008 at 6:58 PM :
“Thanks Fam! I appreciate the info and will keep you posted. Love, dc”
MAYDAY is produced by Darwyn Carson for The TVolution
Music Notes and Attributions
- Lost Shoe from the album Banana Cream
- Line Etching from album Marble Run
- Delicious from album Towboat
Music Publisher: Blue Dot Sessions

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