But What Will Follow Doctor Who?

Just as Spring Break ends, Class, the latest BBC World Sci-Fantasy, starts up.

The Doctor Who spinoff, executive produced by the same duo who oversee the Doc’s show, Steven Moffat and Brian Minchin, premieres on BBC America, Saturday, April 15 — following Doctor Who’s season premiere. Also exec-producing is Class series creator and YA author Patrick Ness (A Monster Calls).

Patrick Ness, YA Novel

A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness (Publisher, Walker Books)

The fresh off the press description:

“Set in London, BBC AMERICA’s new coming-of-age series, Class, follows four ordinary Coal Hill Academy students from opposite ends of the cafeteria’s social landscape, who find themselves drawn together in the most extraordinary of circumstances. The students must form an unlikely alliance to battle, in secret, against alien threats which have broken through the walls of space and time…all while desperately riding the emotional rollercoaster that is high school.

Like most teenagers, these four students are facing their own worst fears, navigating a life of developing friendships, budding romance, parents, school work, sex, sorrow…not to mention, possibly the end of existence.”

Science Fiction enthusiasts will recognize the crossover of the core elemental established in the world of the brave Doctor:

“Coal Hill School has been a part of the Doctor Who universe since the very beginning…but that has come at a price. Time traveling over the years has caused the very walls of space and time to become thin. There’s something pressing in on the other side, something waiting for its chance to kill everyone and everything – to bring us all into Shadow.”

This new Coming-of-Age drama features:  Greg Austin as Charlie, Sophie Hopkins as April, Fady Elsayed as Ram and Vivian Oparah as Tanya are the four teens—more different than they are alike—who must find a way to work together to protect Coal Hill Academy and overcome the monster-like nightmare evildoers whose main life-mission is to escape their life of hell to create the like on earth.

Can we say, Buffy, anyone? The team even has their Giles in the form of Katherine Kelly, who’s more than just, Miss Quill, the Physics teacher…she double-duties it as a sort of Watcher.

Take a look:

All that and homework too? You have got to be kidding!

Class Season Premiere: Saturday, April 15 at 10:10PM/9:10PM Central — only on BBC America.

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Written by

TVolution Founder and Managing Editor DARWYN CARSON completed a six-year stint as Managing Editor of Leonard Maltin’s Annual Movie Guide in 2015. She has been covering film since her early association with entertainment journalist Michael Symanski at Zap2It.com. She also covered film and restaurant news in her column Carson’s Corner for a variety of social publications. Her articles have appeared on Zap2It, Indiewire, leonardmaltin.com and, of course, The TVolution. Follow Darwyn @bnoirlikeme. Follow The TVolution @thetvolution. Please Like The TVolution on Facebook.

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