Who’s your favorite?
Time to decide!
My best guess as to who ends up on the high ground would be: Team Stark with Jon Snow at the helm, ultimately uniting with all the partnerships that make up Team Stormborn. Of course, Arya (Maisie Williams) plays a huge role in there somewhere. Just don’t know if she’s going to stumble onto the Snow led team first or the encroaching dragon trio’d group. This is a best guess decision based, mostly on, I must confess, if wishes would come true.
Enough of the previously released teasers, which mainly consisted of recut images from last year. Throne Gamesters have been more than patient. Agreed? It is only fitting that now, during the spring months when we’re usually gathered in groups ’round a flat screen for another outstanding addition to the series, we are gifted with an official HBO Season 7 GOT trailer. One that lays out new footage with new battles, continuing intrigues and smoldering details to pull apart and mull over — for three months!
Not to be disappointed, the major players are, mostly, included. Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), in all of her diabolically crazy majesticness, is very much aware of all those who have set their course for King’s Landing. The challenge of it appears to have stoked her inner fire, which has only served to forge her spine straighter. Seeming to say, a la Neo to Agent Smith: Bring It On.
Daenerys (Emilia Clarke) too, for all of her baby-faced stoicness, is ready to battle, never once wavering in her belief that she is on the side of right and, thus, all else must step aside or be willing to be crushed or maybe roasted on a spit. “I was born to rule the Seven Kingdoms,” she evokes, while planting her regal self atop a throne as diabolical as Cersei’s image.
Can hardly wait to see those two face-off in a room alone.
What intrigues even more is the one’s who weren’t given a presence in this trailer: No shot of Brandon Stark. No threat from those chillingly horrific White Walkers.
Who else is missing from this vid-peek?
What are your predictions?
Remember when it felt as if 7/16 would never get here?
So close and still so far.
♦ ♦ ♦
(Featured Image: Rory McCann as The Hound in HBO’s Game of Thrones (photo by Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO)
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Francis | June 1, 2017
that’s cuz you think the writers are going to let the righteous ultimately prevail, which is too obvious. my wager is on Queen Cersei. everyone wants her to get her just desserts., but the writers will want to create the biggest “wa-ha” moment! and remember, she’s actually the most vulnerable right now. they’re going to let her keep her throne..just you wait and witness.