By Ernest Kearney — Sadly, violence is all too often mistaken by the weakest among us as strength. Then, should they turn to violence, they’ll blame the world or fault society for driving them to it. That is a lie. Violence, and the illusion of power it offers, may entice the weak, but it is their own desperate craving for self-delusion that impels them.
On Friday, November 22, 1963 at 12:30 P.M. a small sad weak soul tortured by a stifling sense of his insignificance, lashed out at the world he saw as the source of his own impotency, from the sixth floor corner window of the Texas Book Depository.
Fifty-nine years ago, the Dallas where John F. Kennedy would die, was a landscape of jarring political extremes, with billboards calling for impeachment of Earl Warren, Bible-thumping preachers equating liberalism to communism, and a rabid media given to fear mongering rather than news reporting.
Dallas was a city of anti-Semitic vandalism, the nation’s last major bastion of segregation, with radio programs broadcasting polarizing right-wing rants. The city had no gun control. None. It was America’s murder capital, where more homicides occurred each month than in all of Great Britain. It was home to H.L Hunt, Edwin Walker, and a twenty-three-year-old ex-marine named Lee Harvey Oswald and Marina, his young Russian wife whom he had brought back with him from the Soviet Union.
It was home to Abraham Zapruder, the fifty-eight-year-old dress manufacturer who, with his new 8-millimeter camera, filmed the moment when Oswald’s final bullet found its target.
It was home to Robert Oswald, who stood by his brother after his arrest, buried him after his murder, and who never doubted that his little brother was solely responsible for the shooting of JFK.[1]
And it was home to Ruth Paine.
Her father was a physician, her mother an ordained Unitarian minister. She, herself, was a Quaker convert known for her charity work (as a regular visitor to the Parkland Hospital where she donated blood), a member of the American Civil Liberties Union and of the Dallas branch of the League of Women Voters. She was also a committed pacifist. Almost everyone who met Ruth Paine was impressed by her sincerity, candor and comportment.
Ruth Paine was thirty-years-old in 1963. She and her husband had amicably separated. Paine met Lee Harvey Oswald and his wife Marina at a party. Paine, like Marina, was the mother of a young child, and Paine’s interest in learning the Russian language would lead the two to meet again. Thus it was, nine months before the assassination that Ruth Paine would enter the world of Marina and Lee Harvey, to find herself inexorably laced into the fabric of history.
Eventually, Paine learned that Marina was pregnant with her second child, and that Lee, frustrated with Dallas was again talking about leaving America. Until he had a plan for their future, he wanted Marina to return to Russia alone, which she had no desire to do. Paine was sympatric to the young Russian mother, friendless in a strange country, and asked Marina if she and her baby would like to come live with her. Some wouldn’t understand inviting a practical stranger into their home, but Quakers are called to “witness,” to put their faith into action. Through this practice, they hope to live rightly.
Some months later, after travelling to Mexico in a failed attempt to find a means of entering Cuba, Lee returned to Dallas and was again unemployed.
While having coffee with friends of Paine’s, Marina vented her worries over her husband’s inability to find work. One of the friends mentioned they were hiring at the Texas Book Depository. Once home, Marina begged Paine to call the Dallas warehouse and inquire if they still needed workers. Paine called and was told they did. The next day, Oswald went in to apply and was hired.
To be closer to his new job, Oswald moved into a cramped apartment on his own. Weekends he stayed at Paine’s home with his wife and now his two daughters. When Oswald asked whether he might be able to store some belongings in her garage, Paine saw no harm in it. She was unaware among the items Oswald brought into her garage was a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle concealed in a blanket. As a Quaker, Paine would not have permitted a firearm under her roof.
This is the woman Max Good, director of The Assassination & Mrs. Paine, would have you believe participated in the murder of John F. Kennedy.
Good’s misguided, bias and thoroughly maladroit documentary succeeds in assembling a collection of “Assassination Researchers” who quite admirably demonstrate the flawed reasoning, inadequate logic and intellectual shortcomings that sullies the community of conspiracy theorists (Also known by the initials “CT.”) as a whole.
Frankly, I’m looking forward to skewering the theories they offer, weighing the validity of each argument, and passing judgment on the individuals espousing them. And along the way I’ll review Good’s film.
I’m aware 61 percent of Americans believe there was a conspiracy behind JFK’s assassination.
Well, 11 percent of Americans also believe the moon landing was faked,
Thirty-six percent believe 9/11 was an inside job (30 percent don’t know what year 9/11 occurred in,)
Thirty-five percent believe homosexuality is a lifestyle choice,
Twenty-eight percent can’t find the Pacific Ocean on a map,
Fifty-one percent of Republicans believe that Barrack Obama was born in Kenya,
Thirty percent believe in astrology,
And 50 percent believe that Fox News is a trustworthy news program.[2]
Good kicks off his documentary in the standard manner. Old footage from Kennedy’s arrival at Love Field, the airport north of Dallas, of the presidential motorcade being greeted by enthusiastic throngs crowding the city’s streets, clips of Ruth Paine from various interviews.
Good’s voiceover relates Paine’s connection to the Oswalds and how he came upon that history, eventually finding and approaching her to propose the film we’re about to watch.
Then the first of many conspiracy theorists and self proclaimed “Assassination Researchers” recruited for The Assassination & Mrs. Paine. splatters onto the screen, Jim DiEugenio, who over the course of Good’s film will contribute a running commentary that displays a dazzling lack of cognitive depth.
“Ruth and Michael Paine,” DiEugenio guardedly notes, “are very important in the Warren Commission. They were asked a total of 6,000 questions. Ruth herself was asked about 5,000 which is the most questions any single witness was asked by far.” Suspicion seemed to shadow his words as he finished.
So, after first proclaiming Ruth Paine is “very important in the Warren Commission,” DiEugenio switches over to judging it suspicious that the Commission asked her 5,000 questions. Considering Paine’s proximity to key events and her relationship with the Oswalds, I would find it suspicious if the Commission hadn’t.
Good inquires of Paine how she felt about her lengthy appearance before the Commission, she replies a tad playfully:
“They asked a lot of questions. But I did not feel there was suspicion of me by anyone on the Warren Commission: because they were really looking into it thoroughly. The suspicion comes from people who are looking for plots.”(Underscore Added.)
In truth the number of questions asked of Paine is irrelevant. It wouldn’t matter if the Warren Commission had asked her one question, one hundred or one bazillion billion DiEugenio would have cocked an incredulous gaze at any answer.
Vincent Bugliosi, the former Los Angeles D.A. who successfully prosecuted Charles Manson for the Tate-LaBianca murders, sums up the sins of the conspiracy theorists and writers succinctly:
“[They] twist, warp, and distort the evidence, or simply ignore it.”
This is true of DiEugenio and the same can be said of The Assassination & Mrs. Paine.
In its investigation the Warren Commission presented over 3,000 exhibits from Kennedy’s autopsy photos to Marina’s Russian cookbook, and took the testimonies of over 552 witnesses.[3] They filled 27 volumes documenting and indexing that evidence to demonstrate how the Commission arrived at their conclusion that Oswald was the lone gunman solely responsible for his actions.
The Disciples of the Conspiracy Cult, such as Good and his contingency of “researchers,” however, suffer collectively from “Factual Nearsightedness.” Any finding or ruling, anything connected to or originating from the Warren Commission is immediately and irreparably tainted in their eyes, no evaluation or review required.
In their long history of chasing boogie men and playing hop-frog with facts, the ranks of the Conspiracy Cult have accused 44 separate organizations, groups or nations of plotting the assassination: military-industrial complex, Mormon church, Poland, and extraterrestrials[4]; they’ve incriminated over 200 individuals as co-conspirators: Aristotle Onassis, Abe Fortas (former supreme court justice,) and Joe DiMaggio; and pointed to over 200 possible assassins, other than Oswald, who pulled the trigger: Woody Harrelson’s father, Jackie Kennedy (gun in her pill box hat,) and Franklin Folley (Frank Sinatra’s drummer.) [5]
But despite over a half century of hurling allegations with the reckless abandonment of a Keystone Cops pie fight, what hard evidence, what irrefutable proof have the sleuths of the CT Cult presented substantiating their claims of a conspiracy? How many credible witnesses have they produced corroborating their certainty of multiple shooters?
None. And don’t expect any in Good’s film.
All the conspiracy cultists have ever had to offer, and all Good furnishes are “opinions.”
“The Warren Commission withheld – ”
“Numerous leads were – ”
“Some researchers believe – “
Opinions. Opinions express beliefs, feelings, impressions, scorn, duplicity, bias.
Opinions are not facts. Facts express truth.
Opinions are argued or defended. Facts are tested.
Good’s film is bloated by one and devoid of the other.
Throughout, Good attempts a lackluster effort at applying an appearance of balance to his “documentary,” shifting from those who support the findings of the Warren Commission to those who vehemently deny its conclusions and demonize those involved with it.
But Good’s efforts at projecting a semblance of equilibrium are plainly disproportionate. The defense of the historical record is dispensed in statements, while the challenges and accusations of the revisionists are delivered in extended segments.
From the outset, Good’s position as to the assassination is abundantly clear, and his favoring of the “home side team” embarrassingly obvious.
Priscilla Johnson McMillian author of Marina and Lee, succeeds in putting forth perhaps the most judicious observations in the film:
“I think the conspiracy theories did more harm to the country than the assassination. They undermined trust, not only in government but our institutions.”
Good, however, oblivious to the relevance of McMillian’s[6] remarks, proceeds to do just that,
At points the appearances of the Commission’s supporters are of such brevity as to render them hollow.
Good slips-in Author and Historian Max Holland’s first appearance –
“To understand the assassination is an enormous investment of time. Analyzing where the information is coming from, who’s saying it, whether it was corrected later – “
Good cuts away here before Holland has managed to finish his thought.
Holland’s abrupt departure leaves one unsure of his position on the issue at hand, allowing for the impression that he is of a like mind with DiEugenio who follows him; which, as one of the Warren Commission’s staunch advocates, Holland is absolutely not.
DiEugenio touts himself and his fellow “researchers:”
“For people who have dedicated themselves to this, the inescapable truth about the Kennedy assassination is that the testimony, the evidence do not add up to the conclusion the Warren Commission came to.”
DiEugenio has now convinced me that unlike Holland, he understands nothing, has invested no time and is likely incapable of analyzing the graffiti found in the men’s room at a Greyhound bus station. As to his claim that a rejection of the Warren Commission’s findings is “inescapable” for anyone who researches the assassination….
In 1968, Attorney General Ramsey Clark established a panel of four medical experts with the responsibility of reexamining Kennedy’s autopsy photos and records. They concurred with the Warren Commission’s conclusion, that two bullets fired from the rear had killed JFK.
In 1975 the Rockefeller Committee was mandated by President Gerald Ford to determine whether the CIA had any involvement. The Committee found “no credible evidence of any CIA involvement” agreeing with the Warren Commission’s conclusions.
In 1976 a select committee under Senator Frank Church, with the board mandate to investigate both the CIA and the FBI for improper and unlawful activities foreign and domestic, was set up. The Church Committee’s final report emphasized it had uncovered no evidence “to justify that there was a conspiracy to assassinate President Kennedy”; again, confirming the findings of the Warren Commission.
Also in 1976 the lower chamber of congress established the House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA.) The HSCA caused a firestorm when its final report stated there were possibly as many as five shots fired in Dealey Plaza[7], pointing to a “high probability of a second shooter.” This finding was based on a sub-committee acoustics study of a recording from a Dallas police radio transmission.
The CT folks had a field day. Unfortunately for them, in 1982 the National Research Council recruited a panel of 12 scientists and physicists from MIT, Bell Labs and other institutions to reexamine the recording which HSCA based that finding on. The NRC using state of the art sound spectrogram equipment unavailable six years earlier, concluded the “shots” were incontrovertibly recorded echoes and by the time they appeared on the tape the Presidential limo would have been on its way to Parkland with JFK slumped in the back seat. Other than the discredited assumption of a “second shooter,” HSCA confirmed every finding of the Warren Commission praising its “high level of professionalism, dedication and integrity.” It went on to describe the criticism directed at the Warren Commission as “biased, unfair and inaccurate.”
The Death of a President was a classic from the first day it appeared on a book store’s shelf in 1967. Its author, Historian William Manchester, fully concurs with the Commission’s findings.
Gerald Posner’s Case Closed, was the first notable effort to address the interpolations, errors and deceptions of the conspiracy theorists. Posner faults members of the Commission for not publicly answering the challenges to their findings but backs the report’s conclusions.
Finally you have the towering masterpiece of the assassination’s history, Reclaiming History by Vincent Bugliosi. Twenty years of research produced a volume of 1,612 pages, and a companion CD-ROM that contains 958 pages of endnotes and 170 pages of source notes. Bugliosi’s achievement is the definitive study of the JFK assassination and undoubtedly will remain so.
In his forward Bugliosi spells out his guiding principle in writing the book: “My only master and my only mistress are the facts and objectivity.” Bugliosi not only affirms the Commission’s conclusions, he demolishes every one of the prevailing conspiracy theories in the process.
“Inescapable?” Hardly.
I could proceed through Good’s film frame by frame correcting all the mistakes within it, while demonstrating beyond question the theories it puts forth as either invalid if not deceitful. However it would be more efficient if I just tell you what Good has gotten right:
- Ruth Paine knew the Oswalds
- The assassination occurred on November 22, 1963
- It took place in Dallas, Texas
- Kennedy is dead
That’s it. From this point on I shall tackle only the most egregious elements of Good’s film, that way I can avoid making this long review even longer and keep my overworked editor from bemoaning she employed a writer with such a low tolerance for those who falsify historical facts.
Good reheats the CT’s favorite motive for Kennedy’s assassination, his intention to end the country’s participation in Vietnam and bring the troops home.
Though in private conversations JFK expressed his dissatisfaction with the military’s progress in Vietnam, there is no evidence whatsoever he planned on withdrawing the troops or ending the war. Kennedy was a Cold War Warrior, an adherent of the Domino Theory, and during his presidency he had increased the US presence in Vietnam from 650 advisors to 17,000 combat troops.
In a television interview with Walter Cronkite on September 2, 1963, two months before Dallas, when asked about the struggle in Vietnam, Kennedy voiced his determination to continue assisting the regime of South Vietnam against the communist north. He goes on to say:
“But these people who say we ought to withdraw from Viet Nam are totally wrong. Because if we withdrew from Viet Nam the communists would control Viet Nam…and all of southeast Asia…. I think we should stay….I don’t agree with those who say we should withdraw, that would be a great mistake, a great mistake.”
Olivia B. Waxman writing for the Los Angeles Times offers an astute observation. Lyndon Johnson, coming to the Presidency after the assassination, retained most of Kennedy’s advisors and — working from the counsel they provided him — Johnson went on to escalate America’s involvement in Vietnam. Even Robert Kennedy remained hawkish on the war up until 1968.
The Vietnam motive is central to Oliver Stone’s 1991 JFK, and that movie serves a central role in Good’s film. True to form, prior to presenting Stone, Good briefly pops up his detractors.
Jack Valenti, who was in Dallas with the presidential motorcade and later served as the president of the Motion Picture Association of America, flatly condemns JFK, “This was a package of unfathomable lies, packaged together though with a cinema artist’s great skill.”
As expected, Good allocates the longer segment for news footage of Stone’s appearance before the congressional Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) in 1992. The ARRB’s mandate was to facilitate the release of the government files that dealt with the assassination. Congress had enacted the ARRB partially to counter the public’s perception that the government had undertaken a cover-up of the assassination which was the central premise of Stone’s JFK, hence the director’s appearance.
Prior to Stone’s segment, Ruth Paine was among the critics of his film. Paine’s justifiable complaint was the movie’s portrayal of her and her husband:
“There we were, but it was not us.” Paine expressed surprise that Stone didn’t try to reach her, adding with an amused grin, “I guess he was nervous about me.” [8]
In the subsequent segment of Stone’s testifying before the hearing, he brings up his disappointment, in preparing for JFK, at being unable to read the testimony of Ruth Paine.[9] When asked by a committee member if he tried contacting her, Stone claims she would not talk to him.
I’m sure the intent behind the juxtaposition of these two scenes, was Good’s desire to show Ruth Paine in a lie.
If I am correct in my assumption, then it is yet another indication of the shallowness of Good’s judgment for it is unquestionably Stone who is being untruthful. I believe this is easily determined by looking at the evidence, in this case of past behavior.
In the years since the assassination, Ruth Paine has made herself extraordinarily available, granting interviews to NBC, ABC, PBS but also The Village Voice, Santa Rosa’s The Press Democrat, Sonoma Index-Tribune, 10 Tampa Bay WTSP, Canadian TV and scores of other media outlets; she has agreed to interviews on every anniversary of the assassination, spoken to authors William Manchester, Gerald Posner, Thomas Mallon, Vincent Bugliosi, addressed dozens of live audiences, appeared in the British production of On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald[10] and testified in Jim Garrison’s trial of Clay Shaw.
Paine has willingly participated in dozens of documentaries even those she knew were intended for the conspiracy buff market. If Stone had, actually, contacted her to request a meeting, why would Paine have refused when she even agreed to meet with Good?
For me, Ruth Paine’s conduct puts the lie to Oliver Stone’s words.
The plot of JFK is the story of New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison (played by Kevin Costner) as he struggles against a corrupt system and shadowy figures to expose the forces behind the assassination of John Kennedy.
The primary source for Stone’s film was Garrison’s published account of his investigation and trial, On the Trail of the Assassins. But far from being a noble crusade for the truth, the actual story of Garrison’s arrest in 1969 of New Orleans businessman and playwright Clay Shaw as a participant in the Kennedy assassination is a disturbing tale of the abuse of power.
Far from being the heroic character Costner portrayed, Garrison and his book, like Stone’s JFK, is a patchwork of lies.
But you don’t have to take my word for it. Here’s what other members of the CT community have to say about Garrison and Stone’s film:
In False Witness, noted Assassination Researcher Patricia Lambert’s book on Shaw’s trial, writes, “Whenever reality failed to suit his needs, Garrison simply changed it.” Lambert lists the lengths, threatening and bribing witnesses, Garrison turned to in building his case against Shaw.
David Lifton author of Best Evidence calls Garrison, “…one of the biggest frauds to come down the pike.”
Michael L. Kurtz, author of Crime of the Century wrote, “As a historian, I find the distortions of Jim Garrison and Oliver Stone appalling.”
Stone’s JFK twists, misrepresents and disregards the truth leaving audiences unaware of the actual facts. The most noteworthy fact Stone obscures in JFK is that two years after his arrest, and following a month long trial, Clay Shaw was found innocent of the charges Garrison brought against him. It took the jury 45 minutes to reach their verdict.[11]
In JFK, Stone puts a scene of the jury foreman telling Garrison (Costner) that the jurors believe his case for the assassination. This is false. In reality, the foreman told author James Kirkwood, that the verdict would have come in sooner, but several of the jury needed to go to the restrooms.
“Back and to the left” the catechism of the CT Cult.
In Good’s film Assassination Researcher, Dr. Gary Aguilar[12] derides the Zapruder film showing Kennedy’s head going back and to the left. “Hey wait a minute,” Aguilar protests, “if he’s shot from behind why is he going to the left?”
The implications of “back and to the left” motion, which Stone relies on heavily in JFK too, is that the Zapruder film shows Oswald could not have been the shooter and so the final shots did not originate from behind the motorcade.
The Zapruder film shows nothing of the kind.
You think it would be enough that a parade of ballistic experts and medical authorities —even Luis W. Alvarez a Nobel Prize winning physicist— have repeatedly explained that a bullet entering a skull at the speed of sound transfers little resistance to the head. But on exiting, the bullet draws in its wake brain matter and skull fragments that create a jet blast effect propelling the head in the direction of the shooter. According to Dr. George D. Lundberg former editor of the Journal of American Medical Association, “The conspiracy buffs have totally ignored this central scientific fact, and everything else is hogwash.”
The Zapruder film provides two additional clues on this matter. One is evident, the other attested to an examination of the individual frames. After the first bullet has hit JFK he is gasping, reaching for his throat and Jackie Kennedy turns and leans in towards her husband. When the second bullet strikes JFK, destroying his right upper forehead as it exits and his head explodes in her face, Jackie Kennedy pushes her husband away.
Finally, when viewed frame by frame there is a noticeable forward movement of JFK’s head on frames 312 and 313 as the third and final bullet entered the back of his skull prior to its exit with the explosion force that threw him back.
For those who remain skeptical of the so-called “magic bullet” or where the shot originated from I recommend you check out the first season of the crime series Forensic Files and view the second episode The Magic Bullet. (Available on YouTube.)
There’s also ABC News The Kennedy Assassination – Beyond Conspiracy, perhaps the most in-depth media investigation of JFK’s death. Dale Myers, a computer animation specialist, constructed a 3D model of Dealey Plaza and the assassination on which events can be replayed. (Available on YouTube.)
Ruth Paine is not the subject of The Assassination and Mrs. Paine, she is its target and victim. Yet during all of its filming, Paine remains considerate and amiable if vaguely amused by the suspicions directed at her.
Peter Dale Scoll, another “Assassination Researcher,” speculates that the motive for Paine’s involvement with Marina and Lee Oswald was that she was a CIA operative. As a preamble to his suspicions, Scoll comments:
“It’s only a theory, but we have to take it very seriously….”
This statement is a startling display of the distorted mindset of those in the cult of conspiracies. One takes a theory “seriously” when there is proof that validates it, when there is evidence supporting it.
Until you have such proof or evidence, a theory is merely a guess.
“It’s only a theory, but Peter Dale Scoll is an oversized lobotomized hamster.” Let’s take that seriously.
David Lifton, one of the more odious high priests of the conspiracy cult, assails Paine for Oswald finding work at the Texas Book Depository (TBD):
“[Paine] makes a phone call on Monday, [Oswald] goes in for the interview Tuesday and he starts work on Wednesday. The people on this plot has done site selection in advance. They’re planning to murder President Kennedy. Oswald is going to get a job in this building, that’s the set-up.”
The flaws with Lifton’s statement are ridiculously stark.
First, “Monday-call, Tuesday-interview, Wednesday-start work?” In my own employment history I’ve experienced this exact same pattern of events. And I’m sure a good number of those reading this have as well. Lifton is so blindly determined that Paine adheres to his dogmatic faith in a conspiracy that he has lost his common sense.
Lifton also ignores the documented facts behind Oswald’s employment at the TBD, which is difficult to account for except as a deliberate deception, or, coming from this self-promoted “expert” on the assassination, a sign of incompetence.
The job at the Texas Book Depository was first mentioned by Linnie Mae Randle, a friend of Paine’s who she and Marina were having coffee with. Randle’s brother, Wesley Frazier had recently found work there, and Randle only mentioned this because Marina expressed her worry over her husband’s unemployment.
Marina testified that she implored Paine to call the TBD to see if there were still job openings, which Paine did.
She spoke to the warehouse superintendent, Ron Truly, who informed her there were jobs but that Oswald would need to apply in person. Told this, Oswald went the next day and was interviewed by Truly who later testified before the Warren Commission that he found Oswald well-mannered and was impressed that Oswald addressed him as “sir.”
Oswald was hired on October 15th and began work at the TBD on the 16th. But Kennedy didn’t
even announce to his staff he was considering travelling to Dallas until November 4th, and the decision wasn’t finalized until November 14th .
So if Ruth Paine was operating as an agent for the CIA then they must have equipped her with a crystal ball, and if there was a conspiracy to have Oswald hired at the TBD then you’d have to add Randle, her brother Wesley, Marina and Truly as in on the plot.
On October 4, eleven days before going to be interviewed at the TBD, Oswald applied for a typesetter job at the Padgett Printing Company. The plant superintendent, Theodore Gangl was prepared to hire Oswald, but before doing so he called Robert Stovall one of Oswald’s references and former employer. Stovall described Oswald as an “oddball,” and told Gangl, “If I were you, I wouldn’t hire him.” Gangl didn’t. If he had, Oswald wouldn’t have applied at the TBD. So, if there was a conspiracy, Gangl and Stovall were part of it.
We’re up to six conspirators.
After arriving at Love Field, Kennedy had two choices for where he could go to delivery his speech: The Trade Mart northwest of Dealey Plaza which would permit a Presidential Motorcade to pass through Dallas (and by the TBD) or the Women’s Building, located in the southern part of the city a short drive from Love Field.
Kenneth O’Donnell had been Bobby Kennedy’s classmate at Harvard and became a close friend to the Kennedy family. He came to Washington after JFK’s election and was regarded as his “right-hand man.” O’Donnell was in charge of coordinating the Dallas trip. On November 5, he chose the Women’s Building as the site for JFK’s speech.
However, this did not suit Texas Governor John Connally. The Women’s Building was a one floor structure with limited seating and poor air-conditioning. On the other hand the luxurious Trade Mart was brand new and boasted a much larger seating capacity which Connally expected to fill with his supporters. Connally was adamant that the Trade Mart be the site of the President’s speech.
When O’Donnell brought this to Kennedy’s attention he was instructed to accommodate Connally.
On November fourteen, O’Donnell announced the site of the President’s speech was being changed to the Trade Mart.
Now to our list of conspirators – Randle, her brother Wesley, Marina, Truly, Gangl and Stovall – we need to add O’Donnell, Connally (who was seriously wounded by Oswald,) and Kennedy himself.
So if you give credence to the Conspiracy Theorists that’s nine plotters – ten if we add Paine – who conspired to put Oswald in that sixth-floor window of the Depository, including two who would suffer the consequences of his act.
Apply this formula to every subterfuge the CT Cultists insist occurred:
The Warren Commission suppressed and concealed the truth. There were thirty-four lawyers and law students that were on the committee, general counsel, assistant counsels and staff, add them to those who saw that Oswald was hired by the TBD and we now have a conspiracy of forty-four.
Jack Ruby was a mob hitman?
Add another twelve. We’re up to fifty-six.
The Zapruder film was doctored?
That will involve the Dallas Eastman Kodak Company employees Phillip Camberlain, and Richard Blair who developed it, Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels who took it to them and of course Abraham Zapruder who shot it. That’s sixty.
See the problem? To accommodate all the convoluted rationale the CT Cults employ to support their claims, what we wind up with isn’t a “conspiracy”; it’s the Rose Bowl at Full Capacity.
In the years after the events in Dealey Plaza, Ruth Paine would divorce Michael though they would remain friends. She raised their two children by herself, returned to complete her master’s degree, and worked as a public school psychologist.
She doesn’t see herself as a very political person, yet as a Quaker she continued “witnessing.”
Her opposition to the proportion of the American budget poured into the military would lead her to distribute literature on tax-resistance in front of post offices every fifteenth of April.
The period of Ruth’s greatest political activism was during the Reagan years. Seeing the suffering the American embargo against the Nicaragua’s Sandinista government was inflicting on its common people, she and other Quakers began shipping supplies to that country. “ProNica” was organized, a group dedicated to training the communities of Nicaragua on health, education and women’s empowerment issues. Ruth, with her background, felt she could contribute and began travelling to war torn Nicaragua.
The ninth time Ruth was in Nicaragua, ProNica encountered another relief organization of American Christians. One of their volunteers learned who Ruth was, and her Christian faith proved no match for the babblings of the conspiracy theorists she had read.
The woman waited for an ecumenical meeting, which both groups were attending, then publicly attacked Ruth, screaming aloud for all to hear that Ruth was a CIA agent, she killed Kennedy. That there was not, nor never, had been evidence supporting the woman’s accusations didn’t stop her from making them.
Ruth Paine’s ninth trip to aid the people of Nicaragua would be her last.
Paine’s batrachian faced denouncer appears in Good’s “documentary” and proudly retells her odious little saga, before remarking without the least bit of ironic self-awareness:
“It’s so easy to justify what you do.”[13]
Forgive me for subjecting you to such a lengthy review of such a paltry waste of film stock but I am outraged.
The Assassination and Mrs. Paine has nothing whatsoever to do with the assassination of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. It is one hour and forty minutes of character assassination at twenty-four frames a second.
I am outraged there is not a shred of proof, a breath of evidence, a shadow of support for any of the accusations, suspicions or assumptions spewing from it.
Outraged by the insipid praise I’ve read written about this insufferable film, outraged that in the era of #MeToo, women wrote much of it, outraged that this film will be seen by others, believed by some.
Yes, you’re entitled to your own opinion, but not if you don’t know why you have that opinion.
Read Manchester’s book, or Posner or Bugliosi’s if you’ve got the stamina. Watch an excellent film on the subject, Peter Landesman’s Parkland (2013.)[14]
Then if you want to believe there was a conspiracy, more power to you. But don’t buy into the swill you’re being spoon fed here.
The Cult of Conspiracy cannot tolerate Ruth Paine because in the face of their doubts and lies she stands confidently in the truth, because in a world they see manipulated by sinister forces, she not only sees goodness but she acts with goodness.
They hate Ruth Paine because they fear she is stronger than them. And they’re right.
I find this a despicable movie, and I find a number of those in it despicable.
But the worst offender is Max Good the director who like all CT Cultists advocates: Innocent until I decide guilty.
At a point in his film there is mention made of the CIA, and Good breaks in with:
“Some researchers believe that Ruth may have been recruited.”
(And here we go once more…)
Does Good offer proof – identify these “some researchers” – present their evidence – ?
No. No. No.
So what these “researchers” do or do not believe is meaningless hearsay nothing more.
Good’s utter inability to distinguish what qualifies as information as opposed to scandalmongering, is stunning. He’s constantly skeptical of Paine throughout this film, refusing to consider the possibility of her sincerity, yet he has no hesitancy in embracing the most outlandish speculation or claim of his motley collection of “researchers.” In this, Good is seen not as an independent mind capable of evaluation, but as a sponge absorbing whatever is poured on him.
Good shows a montage, various interviews of Paine being asked the same questions over and over, and her giving much the same answers over and over. Good speaks over the various clips:
“There are those who feel they can just tell Ruth Paine is lying. That it is written all over her face. Some say she’s too articulate. That she must be a CIA agent repeating rehearsed lines.”
Or maybe she’s telling the truth?
Once I worked among police and learned that what convinces them of a suspect’s guilt is if his story charges. How unfortunate for Paine she doesn’t fumble in her replies or forget whether it was Lee Oswald or his wife that lived with her, then Good and his unnamed sources might believe in her innocence.
But no. If she were inarticulate or vacillated in retelling her story, the Conspiracy Cultists would point to that as proof she was an operative in a secretive cabal.
Professor Linda Zagzebski writing on “intellectual vices” pinpoints the symptoms of this cognizant cancer: “Gullibility, carelessness, obtuseness, insensibility to details and rigidity of thought.”
This pretty much sums up those of a “conspiratorial persuasion.”
In defending their Inviolable Canon of anyone but Oswald, they are impervious to contradictions, invulnerable to opposing facts. They raise questions, supply no answers, sneer at facts unless drawn from their imagination, they quibble, hair-split and are fluent in the tortuous tongue of illogic.
You find within the Conspiracy Cult the “truest” of all “True Believers.”
At the conclusion of this “documentary,” Good hasn’t broken Ruth Paine, she’s not before him sobbing, confessing it was her atop the grassy knoll.
Now it’s a classic showdown Good seeks. Paine enters a room, sits directly across from him and his camera, and he fires off his questions:
“Were you involved in the murder of JFK?” “Are you a CIA agent?” “Were you assigned to watch Oswald?”
During this, Good employs an underhanded and rather cheap framing device; he splits the screen; two images of Ruth Paine sit side by side, a clownishly clumsy cinematic assertion by Good that she’s two-faced and he is unmasking her duplicity.
All that Good has unmasked to the eyes of discerning viewers is his epic failure as a documentary filmmaker.
Indulgently, Ruth Paine answers all Good’s questions with the same candor she’s shown all these many years. But with a slight difference here as she looks across at the nice young man she’s invited into her home. A smile glides softly on her lips. A somewhat sadden, somewhat disappointed smile.
Ruth Paine is the touchstone to that tragic history of fifty-nine years ago. She has succeeded where most of us would have failed or fled; enduring half a century of accusations and slanders, a martyrdom to history. We live today in a time plagued by delusions. News is fake, elections rigged, pandemics orchestrated, decent Nazis, baby’s blood drunk in pizzerias, a clown hailed as a leader and our vision of the future smeared with suspicion and fear.
Follow the contagion back, trace the virile strain to its infectious source you arrive at the Kennedy conspiracy theorists – Patient Zero.
At the finish of his hopeless interrogation, a plainly flustered Good entreats Paine’s reason for indulging all who question her? Ruth Paine with quiet sincerity replies –
”One of the things that I have felt very strongly is that it was important for me to answer questions and to say what I knew, because I am interested in truth.“
A pity Good wasn’t.
In the whirling gales of groundless assertion and hasty assumptions in the furious folly of cynicism and denial Ruth Paine remains the calm rational eye of the storm.
* * *
[1] Not only did Oswald’s older brother believe he was guilty of Kennedy’s assassination, so did John Pic his half-brother.
[2] From various polls conducted by the Washington Post, Pew Research Center, Gallup and YouGov
[3] One of the most pernicious myths of the CT Cult is that of the “suspicious deaths” of witnesses “who knew too much.” The general list includes 107 names, but if scrutinized one wonders what there is to be suspicious of? Example: Oswald’s mother is on the list. Marguerite Oswald who vocally maintained Oswald’s innocence until her death of ovarian cancer at 72 on January 17, 1981 – 18 years after the assassination? Earl Warren is on the list. He died “mysteriously” in 1974 at 82. Ah, the assassins use “old age” to kill their victims. Very clever. Of course the great absurdity of this list is that 98% of those on it gave testimony to the Warren Commission that is now on the public record. Aren’t you supposed to kill witnesses who “know too much” before they testify?
[4] Mary Ferrell, believed to have had the largest collection of Kennedy assassination related documents in private hands claimed having materials that showed Martians and Venusians were the masterminds behind JFK’s murder.
[5] All three of these lists are partial.
[6] In The Assassination and Mrs. Paine, McMillian herself is eventually accused of being a CIA agent. Perhaps Max has watched too many M. Night Shyamalan’s movies.
[7] The HSCA’s final report agreed with the Commission’s findings that Oswald’s first shot missed, then fired twice more both bullets striking Kennedy and killing him. The HSCA concluded the two shots fired by the unidentified shooter both missed.
[8] In the film JFK the characters “based” on Ruth and Michael Paine were re-christened Janet and Bill Williams. This was done from Stone’s concern of being sued by the Paines. Apparently Stone feared his “facts” wouldn’t stand up in court.
[9] I reviewed my copy of the Warren Report and could find no reference to any testimony by Ruth Paine being redacted.
[10] In 1986 LWT a British television company produced On Trial: Lee Harvey Oswald. An unscripted event conducted as a trial in an American courtroom before a authentic jury, with real lawyers and as many of the actual witnesses as they could persuade to participate. Noted trial lawyer Gerry Spence was recruited to defend Oswald,
with Bugliosi the prosecutor. They filmed twenty-one hours of the court room procedures. Ruth Paine was Bugliosi’ star witness. The jury’s verdict found Oswald guilty.
[11] To learn the staggering inaccuracy of Stone’s JFK visit Be sure to check out Dave Reitzes’ scene by scene debunking of the film
[12] As expert medical opinion is all but unanimous in that the shots killing Kennedy came from behind him, I was curious what sort of medicine Aguilar practiced. He’s an eye doctor.

[13] Matthew 7:1-3
[14] Read my review of Parkland and JFK
* * *
Jt kong | September 6, 2024
Dear Mrs. Paine,
I write to you in the hope that, after all these years, you might reflect on the role you played in the events leading to President Kennedy’s assassination. It’s a difficult subject, but one that demands honesty—for your own peace and for the historical record.
Your association with Lee Harvey Oswald, and your family’s deep ties to U.S. intelligence, cannot be easily dismissed as coincidence. Your father, William Avery Hyde, worked for USAID, often linked to CIA operations, and was considered in 1957 for covert work in Vietnam. Your sister, Sylvia Hoke, in 1962 held a security clearance, and your husband, Michael, engineered the UH-1 Bell helicopter, the principal aircraft used in the Vietnam War. Michael was also second cousin to Henry Cabot Lodge Jr., whom JFK defeated twice—once in 1952 for the U.S. Senate, and again in 1960 as Nixon’s running mate. Lodge was also a key figure in the CIA-backed assassination of President Diem (which JFK opposed), just weeks before his murder in Dallas. These connections are too significant to ignore.
I ask you to consider the possibility that you were part of something much larger than you realized. Do you believe it’s possible that Oswald, a radar operator with highly sensitive information on the U2 spy plane, could defect to the USSR and then be welcomed back to the U.S. without recourse? Do you believe your insertion of Oswald into the Texas School Book Depository five weeks before the assassination was a coincidence? Do you still hold to the belief that Oswald killed Kennedy for notoriety, even though he insisted he was a patsy? Do you believe that the Dallas Police Department, which had Oswald in custody for 48 hours before his death, failed to keep a single note or recording from his interrogation—even though Oswald waived his right to counsel by talking openly to the press about his innocence? Can so many contradictions and coincidences truly amount to nothing?
Perhaps you were unwittingly used by forces beyond your control. Now is the time for reflection. Denial is powerful, but truth is stronger. You have the power to contribute to that truth and unburden yourself. History still has questions, and you hold the answers.
A Citizen Seeking the Truth
Joe alesi | September 30, 2024
I assure you that Ruth could care less about youR “open letter”
Ernest Kearney | January 2, 2025
An Open Letter to JT Wong.
I write to you in the hope, one that I believe is a forlorn hope, that after all these years, you might logically reflect on your views and opinions concerning the events of President Kennedy’s assassination, and realize for your own peace of mind, that you are wrong, and have always been wrong.
Now I’ve probably lost. You’ll just stop reading. It’s hard for anyone to think that they could be wrong. Harder still for anyone to realize they are and change their mind. If one is comfortable with a lie, they never look for the truth. And you are comfortable with the lies about the assassination. But, if you have the courage you’ll read on.
Now, JT, you’re not stupid. Your “open letter” shows that. It’s well composed, very heartfelt, but simply misguided.
Allow me a little sidebar here.
I am a student of epistemology, the study of knowledge, how we acquire knowledge, how we can recognize what obstacles prevent us from obtaining knowledge.
The trouble with “education” in this country is that its more concerned with teaching us what to think, than HOW to think correctly. That’s where epistemology comes in.
There are two branches of epistemology, known as “Virtue” or “Vice” epistemologists.
The “vice” epistemologists concerned themselves with epistemic or intellectual vices. These are particular character traits, methods or attitudes that obstruct one from recognizing when a fact is valid or invalid; they are intellectual flaws that render individuals unable to appraise information properly.
Epistemic vices are not indicative of lower intelligence, they are more like bad habits. As such an individual can work to identify which of these he possesses (and we all possess some) then he can work towards eliminating them or at least diminishing their impact.
Among the epistemic vices are “Gullibility\Wishful Thinking,” “Close-mindedness,” and “Prejudice” to name a few. In her book Virtues of the Mind, author Linda Zagzebski designated epistemic vices the “hallmarks of the conspiratorially minded.”
I see a number of “Vices” in your letter. The most obvious one is “A lack of appreciation for the function of coincidence in life.”
You seem to think that “History” is this epic game of high-stakes poker. It is not. History is an epic game of high-stakes Fifty-Two Card Pick-up.
Conspiracy theorists lack a realistic understanding of how human endeavors function. They see behind the assassination of JFK a Byzantine scheme in which sinister forces choreographed a step-by-step plot that functioned with the efficiency of some immense domino setups where each tile falls in a perfect sequence against the next. There is no room for human error, coincidence, or even that most elemental attribute of all undertakings – luck.
Let us consider the following:
The Great Break-In
Imagine you’re an agent involved in a high-stake operation, something out of a James Bond flick. Your mission is to gain access to the prominent leader of a major European nation.
You embark on your assignment unburdened by any planning. One night you just stand outside the target’s residents. It’s an immense three-story structure with 775 rooms and you’ve no idea of your quarry’s exact location or that there are sixty-armed guards on duty and a state-of-the-art security system.
James Bond would no doubt use a rocket pack to gain entry, but you simply climb over the gate instead. You walk about the building’s exterior trying ground-floor windows and find one that’s unlocked. You clamber through it. Once inside you quickly discover all the doors leading from the room are locked, so you tumble back out the same window you came in by. Next, you find a drainpipe and slowly shimmy up it.
A police officer patrolling the gate’s perimeter spots you and immediately reports this to the resident’s security center. However, for some reason, no action is taken.
The drainpipe takes you to the second-story roof where you spot an open window that you swiftly hoist yourself through.
The window is to the room of one of the household staff who is reading in her bed. Understandably shocked by you, she sprints from her bed shrieking for security. She shortly finds two guards and hysterically reports an intruder. They follow her back to her room, but by the time they arrive, you’ve already moved on.
The guards perfunctorily check her room and closet then, deciding she imagined the whole incident, tell her to go back to bed.
For the next half hour, you wander aimlessly about, managing in the process to trip the security alarm twice. The guards monitoring the security system hear both alarms but assume they’re “glitches” because they know nobody could breach the resident’s security. They choose to switch the whole system off and let the technicians deal with it in the morning.
Entering one room you find a bottle of wine. Though a little disappointed, it’s from a
California vineyard you open it nevertheless and settle in for some serious drinking. After twenty minutes you decide the best way to find your quarry is to just walk down the corridors and open every door you come by.
You calculate there are some 769 rooms left to check, so one last swig of cheap wine and off you go.
Twisting the first knob you come to, swings open the door, so you enter.
In the darkness, you see a bed with drawn curtains. You pull open a curtain which awakens the person sleeping under the covers. Looking at the drowsy face, you immediately recognize the national leader you were assigned to find. Needless to say, your presence there is a surprise to them. So, as you sit in a chair by the bed and begin to chat, they quickly press a concealed button that activates an alarm in the nearby security office.
Unfortunately, the last guard in the security office went off duty at the end of his shift without being informed his replacement was running late.
There’s a servant’s station across from the office, but the valet has taken his employer’s beloved dogs out for a walk. There’s nobody to hear the alarm.
You are enjoying the conversation when the national leader, still in bed, asks if they might make a call. You tell them of course, it is their house. Using the nightstand phone, they call down to the switchboard operator. Not wanting to provoke you, they calmly request police be sent to their room. After fifteen minutes pass in polite chitchat with no police arriving, the occupant of the bed calls the switchboard again and calmly repeats their request for police to be sent to their room.
The problem is, they’re so calm that the switchboard operator doesn’t think it’s urgent. As the conversation continues you take out a cigarette but find you haven’t any matches. Your host leaps from their bed and graciously goes off to fetch you some. Shortly after that guards and police burst into the room. They do not bring matches.
This is not a scene from a Monty Python skit, but the real-life account of the two times Michael Fagan, a 33-year-old London-born unemployed decorator managed to break into Buckingham Palace. Apart from combining them into a single narrative, the details are accurate.
On his first break-in on June 7, 1982, Fagan climbed through the maid’s bedroom window, wandered the hallways, and eventually entered Prince Charles’ unoccupied room where he found the bottle of wine and consumed it.
A month later, on July 9, 1982, Fagan returned, shimmied up the drainpipe, and eventually found the Queen’s bedroom with Elizabeth II asleep within. This tale exemplifies how history functions. Not with the precision of a chess game played between two grandmasters but as a hodge-podge of blunders, screw-ups, and pure dumb luck. It also points to one of the great laws of history: Never ascribe to malice what can be plainly explained by incompetence.
The story of Michael Fagan was dramatized in season four of “The Crown.”
You write:
“These connections are too significant to ignore.”
It’s you who can’t ignore them.
“Can so many contradictions and coincidences truly amount to nothing?”
Yes, as the Fagan story proves, they can amount to nothing.
On a logical note. Let us suppose the U.S. Intelligence Agency did want to kill JFK and needed to establish LHO in the TSBD to do some. It would be the height of stupidity for them to bring someone, like Ruth Paine, into the plot that had any connection to the CIA or Dulles to get LHO a job. You do see that, I hope.
You write:
“Do you believe your insertion of Oswald into the Texas School Book Depository five weeks before the assassination was a coincidence?”
This flies in the face of the known facts.
1) According to Marina Oswald’s testimony, she and Ruth Paine first heard about the job at the TSBD while having coffee with Linnie Mae Randle when her brother Wesley Frazier called about getting a job there.
2) Marina asked Ruth Paine if she’d call the TSBD to see if they had any other job openings. Paine called and was told they did.
3) Marina told LHO who called and made an appointment to meet with the manager Roy Truly.
4) Truly hired LHO because he was impressed by his manners.
If this is an “insertion” and Ruth Paine was behind it, then you’ll have to include Marina, Linnie Mae Randle, her brother Frazier, Truly and Oswald himself as being in on the plot.
Also, you make a big point of LHO being hired “five weeks before the assassination.” But when LHO was hired, there were no plans to drive through Dallas or pass by the TSBD. At that time, Kennedy intended to give his speech at the Woman’s Building, a site North of Love Field that wouldn’t have required the motorcade coming anywhere near Dealey Plaza. IT WASN’T UNTIL NOVEMBER 15TH, A WEEK BEFORE THE ASSASSINATION THAT KENNEDY CHANGED THE SITE OF HIS SPEECH TO THE TRADE MART AT THE INSISTENCE OF GOVERNOR CONNALLY.
You are wrong about so much. You are not “A Citizen Seeking the Truth,” you are someone wanting to be told they’re right when they’re not. I’d suggest you read Vincent Bugliosi’s Reclaiming History. But it’s unlikely you will. Which is too bad. As Eric Hoffer observed, “Far more crucial than what we know or do not know is what we do not want to know.”
There is nothing wrong with being wrong, if you’re willing to consider you might be, and are brave enough to challenge what you believe.
The wisest man I’ve ever known was Joseph Campbell. He gave me the best advice I’ve learned in life.
“Don’t believe everything you think.”
You owe Ruth Paine an apology.
Good Luck to you JT.
Jt kong | September 2, 2024
Kennedy’s Schedule:
September 25: White House sources, in an exclusive to the Dallas Morning News, announce that the president will visit Texas November 21–22, 1963 and that the tour will include Dallas.
The wounds:
In Trauma Room One: The JFK Medical Coverup Exposed (Paraview Press, 2001) Crenshaw included photographic evidence that showed Kennedy had been shot twice from the front, not once from the back as the Warren Commission concluded.
The Parkland doctors talked at length about The injury on Kennedy’s neck, which they stated was an entrance wound from a shot that came from in front of him…”I don’t think my impressions have changed since the day of the assassination,” Dr. Ronald Jones, Chief Resident at Parkland Hospital in 1963.. “I’ve always thought that this looks like an entrance wound.”
Your Vietnam STRAW MAN argument allows you to sidestep the real motive, which includes the Bay of Pigs, the firing of Allen Dulles and Kennedy’s statement about splintering the CIA into a thousand pieces. I ‘m also pretty sure the Joint Chiefs didn’t appreciate Kennedy vetoing their little plan to blowup US airliners and blame it on Fidel.
The findings:
The House Select committee on assassinations in 1979 concluded it was a conspiracy.
Return to the Us:
But my favorite of all is Oswald, who with a confidential security clearance, defected to the USSR and was allowed to return to the us without any consequences for disclosing military secrets to the enemy? I mean the Rosenberg’s got away with it. who funded oswald’s return, and where Did he go to work after his return? BTW what exactly did Oswald’ do at the Atsugi naval air facility as an aviation electronics operator?
I do believe in spooks. I do I Do i do (Cowardly lion wizard of oz):
And finally while you’re serving up Paine’s hot steaming bs about why Oswald did it- a small man wanting to be extraordinary- it’s curious that Oswald denied it, said he was a patsy and didn’t shoot anyone. I’m sure it’s all in the written transcript taken by DPD during the 48 hours Oswald was questioned in custody (LOL), but fortunately the American public was saved the expense of a trial by another lone nut, who curiously was able to penetrate DPD’s security and ensure oswald’s eternal silence. Word is because ruby was connected to the mob the police didn’t see him as a threat. Yep, nothing to see here. he just sauntered down the police ramp and moseyed on up to oswald and batta bing bada boom. But i do believe Ruby did it. A true bleeding heart. willing to sacrifice his life, so Jackie wouldn’t have to suffer through a trial. I realize he later said he was forced to do it and the truth will never come out.. Thank goodness Right?
Ernest Kearney | January 18, 2025
JT, Forgive the late reply to this. You have qa lot of words i this. A lot of stupid, unfounded, words that SHOW your limited and very bias veiwpoin t. the thkng that’s most unsetting about dealing with rabid conspiracy theorists is their utter unwillingness to do the slightest research.. Oh, they will read countless books and unlimited documentaries that support their delusions,, But they are incapable of engaging with any material that challenges them in the very least.. As the Chinese say, the man that reads 20,000 books’ is a fool if they are the same book. Every point you raise in this rant has been answered and answered repeatedly. you are either unaware of this or you are ignoring this, both of which shows you’re failing in intellectual pursuit.. just a couple of examples that show your unwillingness to do the need research that allows you to hold an opinion and your abuse of the facts that results. Dr. R. Jones’ opinion of the throat wond. the doctors at parkland were not concerned about the cause of death, they were trying to save a man’ life. they all admit this. they never rolled jfk over to look at his back and did not see the entry wounds., asagain they all admit this. Jones says, he saw the “small hole in the midline of the neck and “THOUGHT IT TO BE A BULLET ENTRANCE WOUND..” YOU ARE BEING UTTERLY DISHONEST HERE IN PRESENTING JONES’ STATEMENT BASED ON ONLY WHAT HE SAW AS INVALIDATOING WHAT THE FULL AUTOPSY WOULD SHOW.. AND RUBY.. HERE YOU EXPOSE YOUR COMPLETE IGNORANCE OF THE FACT S AGAIN. YES, THE DP TOOK N O NOTES WELL LHO WAS IN THEIR CUSTODY. HERE’S A NEWS FLASH FOR YOU JT – THE DP WERE SCREW-UPS! FROM START TO FINISH. THAT YOU AREN’T AWARE OF THIS FACT SHOWS EITHER A STAGGERING LACK OF Perception on your part or the breadth of your bias. two examples 1) in any other city the popice on the parade route would have been facing outward and would have seen oswald in the tsbd window. in dallas the police were facing inward. they wanted to see the presiident. tippit pulls over lho who fits the description of an individual suspected of killing the president – and the idiot saunters over, gun in its hoster and is shot dead b y LHO. idiots, you see jt? ruby was in anguisg about “poor jackie.” everyone who was with him after the assassination testified to this. Ruby a hit man???? are you frigging serious? Okay, why didn’t our hit man “rub out” oswald on friday night? why did our hitman show up in the basement of the municipal building an hour later than the newspaper reported LHO was being transferred? Why did our hitman take his doggie with him? Why did our professional hitman shoot Oswald in the belly and not twice in the head? yes, while dying in the prison hospital ruby said he was force to kill Oswald. he also said they were killing thousand of jews in the hospital and his doctors were nazi. i suppose you believe that too? your opin ions are worthless, because you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Ernest Kearney | August 5, 2024
Joe Alesi | December 17, 2023
I sent this to my friend Ruth Paine this evening. she just sent me an email. She has read it in its entirety and she appreciates it very much..Ruth and I are good friends, and we traveled to Dallas together last month for a talk that she gave in Irving.. You might have noticed that I made a short appearance in the film,,of course in support of Ruth. please Free to contact me for any reason.
Ernest Kearney | January 2, 2025
How did i miss jt’s “open letter?”