By Ernest Kearney — As someone who is bored to tears by sports and once even fell into a six-week coma when I accidentally turned on the TV to a curling event, I was amazed at how infectious Brett Moore’s Batter Up: Double Play was. It is not merely his encyclopedic knowledge of baseball that is utterly astonishing nor his sincere love and enthusiasm for the game that makes this a fantastic show: It is his ability to weave these elements into stories that will touch the heart of any American, sport-loving or not.
Moore has crafted an entertaining show about America’s pastime that serves to profoundly tell American history by highlighting the struggles of the Negro Leagues. As directed by Erin Moore and co-produced by Gregory Craft, Brett Moore’s Batter Up: Double Play knocks one out of the stadium and right into the soul of this nation. Looking forward to more innings.
Playing During The Hollywood Fringe Festival 2024
The Hobgoblin Playhouse (Main Space)
6440 Santa Monica Blvd.
Saturday June 29 2024, 5:30 PM | 1hr
Streamed from The Hobgoblin Playhouse (Main Space)
Saturday June 29 2024, 5:30 PM | 1hr (Pacific Time (US & Canada))