Ernest Kearney — Alli Miller-Fisher has been a Fringe staple ever since I’ve been involved, and her performances both as an actress and in work with Cherry Poppins Productions in staging big, beautiful and over-the-top burlesque musicals have left no one in doubt of her skills or talents.
Ice Cats: A Dead Mother Traumedy is however a departure for Miller-Fisher. A solo show, of the most personal nature, just herself, alone on stage presenting a eulogy for her late mother:
Cathy Renee Guetersloh
January 26, 1955 – October 29, 2018
This is not an original concept from which to frame a one-women show, but what makes Ice Cats so incredibly unique is what makes Miller-Fisher so incredibly unique; her boldness, her passion, and her skill at weaponizing humor to beat down anything that pops out at her from the Whac-A-Mole game of life.
We get a brief family history and some snapshots of Mom’s sense of humor; such as her referring to Alli’s “vajayjay” as “Never Never Land” for where all the lost boys go to die.
But it is after her mother’s passing and having to deal with the decades of memories as she digs through her mother’s “hoarding” that the show really takes off in an explosion of pathos, humor and show-stopping musical numbers.
One of the best of the Fringe.
Ice Cats: A Dead Mother Traumedy
Playing During the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2024
Three Clubs (Three Clubs Stage Room)
1123 N VINE ST
Sunday June 30 2024, 6:30 PM | 50 mins