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Sigh… More than twenty Democrats are running for president, and none of them will stuff Trump’s hairpiece down his throat—the one thing I would

By Steve Schlich — My premise is brutal: business is a cross between a dictatorship and a junta …which makes government run as a

By Steve Schlich — Above: #PlaidShirtGuy mocks Trump at a Montana rally. He (and friends) were eventually shooed off-camera, but the video is internet-immortal.

By Steve Schlich  —  Admit it: you’ve clicked on the link “How the Right Lost Its Mind” and read with anxious hope that somehow, naming

By Ernest Kearney  —  In these turbulent and twisting times that find so many bewildered and baffled, suckered punched by the events of the

by Ernest Kearney  — The origins of Taiko drumming in Japan is lost in that vast attic called history, but the conservative scholars will

Above: Screen grab from a YouTube video of the 2018 Golden Globes on NBC. There are so many ways to be angry at Trump, and

Imagine a petting zoo where Caffè Latte is served. Or imagine you’re in the mood to find a cat to enhance your life when

by Darwyn Carson — Monopoly, I would wager, was always one of the first go-to games of choice amongst friends and family members. Contributor

Loser! The Tweet Defeat of Donald Trump did not begin with “Liddle’ Bob Corker” and his oh-so-devastating viral tweet: https://twitter.com/SenBobCorker/status/917045348820049920? Wham! Impressive. But first blood was drawn

By Steve Schlich — A lot of people think of our president as a divider, but last weekend he did a frightfully good job

Above: The car used as a murder weapon in Charlottesville. This freeze-frame photo is in the Public Domain. “…there are weapons that are simply thoughts, attitudes,

I’m a big mouth white guy of Irish descent who, most likely, has ancestral ties to former President Barrack Obama, and that statue of

Above: July 18, 2017 MSNBC screen grab. At you thought he couldn’t look stupider! Let’s be truthful about the reason that Republicans can’t come up

Photo above is from Creative Commons: “hacker army 2.0” by Rodrigo Paoletti is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Our culture shoots black men. Kills them. And our culture acquits their killers—if they are the police. This headline grabbed me and shook me,

Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends We're so glad you could attend Come inside! Come inside! There behind the glass stands a real

I expected President Drumpf to embarrass himself—and us by proxy—when he went abroad last month. He did not disappoint, so long as you’re a fan

…that’s the current liberal fantasy, and we can sweeten it even more by taking the rest of America’s “left coast” with us. Welcome to Ecotopia,