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A lot of us who respect Barack Obama’s eight years in the White House want to curl up and hibernate for the next four

You’re in Los Angeles and looking for the perfect space to mount your production. Available for your play, meeting, workshop or social event is TU

Even the best magicians never actually do magic—they give you a believable illusion that they are performing the impossible. Mostly, they do it by

With Black History Month you hear accounts of Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Cyrus Attucks and other historical black figures in America’s past. I would

I’m sorry, but the Hitler analogy is at last appropriate. You can hear the original Führer’s hateful nationalism in nearly every sentence that comes

Let’s say you’re a hotshot movie producer and I’m this schlub of a writer who thinks he’s bringing the next blockbuster to our meeting.

Back in the days of the Soviet Union, there were two official newspapers: Pravda (“The Truth”) and Izvestiya (“The News”). A friend of mine who

Wait, don’t put away the Christmas decorations just yet. I’ve got one more present for you—and you’re gonna to hate it. Most of Donald Trump’s

Round One has begun, a first clang! in the bruising prize fight that Donald Trump’s presidency threatens to become. It’s The Donald vs. the

LOS ANGELES (Dec. 14. 2016) — Members of L.A.’s “PRO-99” theater community continue to gather signatures to demand a new referendum on Actors’ Equity's

We just elected a man with zero experience in government, primarily because he has no experience. That’s especially scary considering that “we” is a

The American election season never ends with the election. Not anymore. Nailing the president-elect for reneging on his second-biggest campaign promise became the national sport

For those of you unaware of the fire storm unleashed on Colin Mitchell, former editor of Bitter Lemons, L.A.’s ground zero for theatre criticism—and

The movie Jurassic Park removed an intriguing side plot from Michael Crichton’s novel of the same name, that I think applies directly to the election. In

Start in a state with an active electorate of six million (say, Pennsylvania in 2016). Now poll a thousand of those people. You are

A few weeks back, Molly Ball wrote in the Washington Post about the 2016 Presidential Campaign’s “…rich irony that America's first woman to head

Donald Trump knew that he lost the third debate long before it was over. As he seems to know, finally, that he will lose

The train metaphor was spot-on when Trump was unstoppable. And it would be easy to call what’s happening now a train wreck. But really,

“Drumpf – that’s the sound of shit hitting the wall, and sticking.” — a tweet from @slothlax A couple of weeks ago, Donald Trump was