You enter the REDCAT (Roy and Edna Disney/CaLArts Theater) to find a mass of chairs arranged seemingly haphazard in the center of the room. Running the length on the upper half of the surrounding walls are four screens
Donald Trump knew that he lost the third debate long before it was over. As he seems to know, finally, that he will lose the election that is not yet over. The debate (like the election) was stacked against him. And by Fox News! You
The train metaphor was spot-on when Trump was unstoppable. And it would be easy to call what’s happening now a train wreck. But really, there were never any rails. Rails imply planning, and an actual destination.
So I’m imagining his campaign as an ATV driven recklessly
Fratricide -
Infidelity -
Parricide –
Rebellion -
The swain of Avon –
And toe tapping ditties.
One must admire the chutzpa Michael Shaw Fisher displays in Skullduggery for which he composed the music, provided the lyrics and wrote the book for this – wait for it!
Musical prequel to Hamlet!
Creatively speaking,
The intended purpose of this monthly column is to bring to the attention of cinema junkies those odd and typically genre defying films which may have slipped, justifiably or not, beneath the radar of even the most diehard film aficionados. For the offerings I shall
“Drumpf – that’s the sound of shit hitting the wall, and sticking.” — a tweet from @slothlax
A couple of weeks ago, Donald Trump was urging us all to check out a former Miss Universe’s non-existent sex tape. How ironic that the recording we finally got
I really love theatre that boldly goes where no ensemble has gone before.
In the past William A. Reilly and Gary Lamb of Crown City Theatre Company have proven that they are capable of pushing the envelope with firm resolve.
Whenever speaking of the best of L.A. stage,
Summary: Streaming detective show Bosch, based on the long-running (17 and counting) popular series by author, Michael Connelly, doesn’t stray far from the literary franchise. Bosch novels: Concrete Blonde, City of Bones and The Black Echo were core to the construction of Season 1. The
On the hunt for a different sort of dark-doing this Halloween? Look no further than the Echo Theater Company’s production of Blueberry Toast at Atwater Village Theatre in Los Angeles.
A lot of attention is being given to that first basket, the “basket of deplorables,” as Mrs. Clinton called it and, in so doing, started a small fire storm.