It is odd to admire the seed but fault the fruit. But Brittanie Richardson’s solo show Art and Abolition has placed me in such a position.
There is nothing overly original in coming from an environment of abuse; sadly, many can claim that. But for someone to find the inner strength to lift themselves above their own history, and in doing so commit to helping others, that is a rare thing.
And for doing this Richardson is to be applauded.
However, her one woman show recounting her life is overly rough, raw and jagged; a travelogue from Atlantic to South Africa with the road beset with speed bumps of faith and sexual identity issues.
The narrative lacks artistry in the telling and depth in the exploration. Its saving grace is sincerity.
The theme is expressed in the dog eared platitude: “God is good.”
In truth, the show itself corroborates an altogether different adage: The hands that help are better than the lips that pray.
For that sincerity: A BRONZE MEDAL
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