By Ernest Kearney — Shakeslesque is a playfully amusing blend of Bard and boobs; a racy, randy raucous romp in which the buxom babes of Cherry Poppins Caburlesque join with some of the Fringes best known rascals.
Michael Shaw Fisher, one of the Fringe’s resident Bardologist plies his talents in the form of “Sexpeare” a playwright bled of ideas of what to pen for his next play. Finding himself at the door of a knocking shop, he enters and partakes of some heady brew, is enticed by the “soiled doves” of the establishment and finds himself plunged into a deep sleep and dreams of a realm he rules as King Queer, where his daughters Juliewet (Alli Miller), I’ll Feel Ya (Shannon Glasgow) and Beabitch (Heath Butler), are set to marry a rather worthless lot including the very narcissistic Ham On Rye (Schoen Hodges) and the very villainous Tightass Androgynous (Cory Robison). There’s plenty of music and mayhem and a mass of mammae massive and otherwise.
The boys Robison, Hodges and Fisher all have fun, and we join with them in having it. K.C. Lindley flounces fabulously about, the girls all swirl seductively especially Miller, Glasgow, Megan Esber and Kim Dalton as the schizoid trio of witches, and we are treated to stomping renditions of “Come Together,” “I Wanna Hold Your Hand” and other tunes all very tongue in cheek…and tongue elsewhere.
Written, directed and produced by Miller and Sarah Haworth Hodges (who also kills as Lady Macbreast), with a cast of 22 with a cast of a 1,000 costume changes provided by Kelly Stevenson and Alli Miller. The evening is fun, fun, fun, music and boobs.
At ninety minutes, it felt a tad over-played but otherwise it was a good time had by all.
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