By Ernest Kearney — Let us talk the lowest of high concept.
Take the most obnoxious representatives of our society’s ills:
A woman (Rebecca Larsen) obsessed with the entitlement her beauty bestows on her,
A man (Albert Dayan) defending the privileged birthright of those fortunate enough to be born white males,
A painfully annoying “artiste” (Tegan Ashton Cohan) performing her homage to the glory of the menstrual cycle,
And a conservative Republican (Scott Golden) in a modern dance recital bespeaking “making America great!”
Place them in front of an audience.
Arm that audience with sock balls to fling at their discretion.
And there you have in a nut shell the brilliance that is Easy Targets.
One would be hard pressed to find a sillier show or a more therapeutic one.
I Feel Pretty directed by Carolyn Almos — in which Larsen condescends with aplomb to the beauty-impaired, by moaning to the audience “Ugly girls don’t realize how easy they have it,” — was written by Albert Dayan, who wrote and performed as the proud white male dishing out such truisms as “I deserve everything I have” and “Our lives matter too,” in Pride and Prejudice, directed by Jon Beauregard.
Daughter of the Moon written by Almos, was directed by Jaime Robledo with Cohan performing to absurd perfection.
And finally Town Hall, written and directed by Matt Almos and performed with side-spiriting grace by Golden as the leotard clad representative announces, I am a metaphor” and then goes on to proclaim, “I am the wall, awake and alert as America sleeps.”
Now yes, lobbing sock balls at these “easy targets” is great fun, as well as cathartic, but the monologues were so dead-on funny and the performances so right-on perfect, they easily could have stood without the constant bombardment; especially Daughter of the Moon which is as classic a bit of clowning as I’ve seen in ages.
But their show, their rules and producers Golden and JJ Mayes had to be cleaning up on supplying bags full of ammo to the audience at five bucks for twenty sock balls.
And, what can I say, between jotting down a few frantic notes I, too, pitched a few.
As far as 14 karat zaniness goes, this show was a Fort Knox in and of itself.
And for that a PLATINUM MEDAL.
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