By Ernest Kearney — An Odyssey by Patrick Denney is a solid piece of writing that is well-directed by Turner Munch and well-acted by Julia Davis, Joe DeSoto and Carolina Montenegro. It is a re-working of the story of Homer’s epic tale of Ulysses’ journey home; without the character of Ulysses. Here, the emphasis is placed on those he
left behind, Penelope (Davis), his son Telemachus (DeSoto) and his dog (Montenegro). Also, ancient Greece has been transformed to any American military base in the world.
Denney has caught the affect the absence of a husband and father can have on a wife or child, and what those left behind suffer when loved ones are lost to military service. A clever device to serve this factor is having DeSoto as Ulysses’ son—clad in a Boy Scout uniform—depicting how want-of-a-father can have an adverse effect on a child’s maturity.
An Odyssey is a sharp, intelligent show that only suffers from a lack of interaction between the characters. In theatre as in life, tragedy finds its expression in relationships. Worth checking out.
And good luck at Yale, Patrick.
♦ ♦ ♦
An Odyssey is playing during
Studio C
6448 Santa Monica Blvd.
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