by Ernest Kearney — The Book That I’m Going to Write, by Judy Garland is an idea that someone should have talked performer/creator Jason Powell out of.
We are told that in 1964 Judy Garland, upon contemplating the writing of her memoirs was advised by Irving Paul “Swifty” Lazar. The legendary agent suggested she use a tape recorder into which she could put her thoughts; at a later date a ghostwriter would then be used to edit and craft them into shape. While the book never materialized, the tapes she dictated do exist.
So far so good.
It was from these long lost tapes, the program notes explain, that Powell “faithfully adapted” his show.
And here the trouble begins.
Now I and about half the audience with whom I spoke were expecting a show somewhere in the realm of the late great Jim Bailey, a “fantasy-performer” who recreated the personas of Barbra Streisand, Phyllis Diller and Judy Garland with an uncanny preciseness.
But no.
A young man in his twenties, Jason Powell performs the 42-year-old Garland as…well, a young man in his twenties.
Perhaps this could have succeeded, because Powell seems to have made quite a study of Garland, except for performing the tapes “faithfully.”
He should have tried to find the ghostwriter Swifty Lazar had in mind.
The Garland on the tapes gives voice to her bitterness, repeating the same accusation against the same individuals over and over.
Powell states that he is presenting the recording “as nakedly honest as they escaped from Ms. Garland.”
Well “honest” or not, the repetition gets boring very fast.
This material would have been tedious even with Jim Bailey performing it. But he would have been wise enough not to.
A BRONZE MEDAL, but barely.
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The Book That I’m Going to Write, by Judy Garland
Is Playing During the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2018
in the
The Ruby Theatre
The Complex Hollywood
6476 Santa Monica Blvd
The Final Showing is: Saturday, June 23, 2018 @ 3:00pm
For Complete Show Information, Tickets and Reservations Go To:
What is the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2018?
Click HERE and Learn More
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