By Ernest Kearney — A small town unemployed knuckle-dragging ne’er-do-well (Adam Ferguson) is approached by a producer of reality TV (Te’juana Johnson) with an offer. The producer will pay Ferguson one million dollars; he will have one week to spend the sum however he likes, while the producer and her cameraman (Jeremiah Ripley) follow along filming him.
At the end of seven days, the mouth-breather will be required to die, the method of his demise to be voted on by the viewing audience.
This notion of The Dead Guy, a reversed engineered version of The Survivor is a rather lackluster setup for a play, but the setup is inconsequential if the drama is expounded in a dynamic compelling delivery, which it is not.
The script by Eric Coble is threadbare and predictable, and Johnson, who as the TV producer is the whip master of the conflict is displays none of the professional hustle, cut throat determination or silver-tongued manipulation that are as conspicuous in entertainment executives as a diamondback’s rattle.
David Miller and Laura Dickinson-Turner as gender switched mother and brother and Jo Ann Mendelson as the long-suffering girlfriend struggle as best they can to keep their heads above the water here, but with a lamentably lame script a and a staging that is best described as humdrum they are struggling against the waves wearing concrete water wings.
One element that I sure they thought was cutting edge was having the footage of the cameraman playing on stage, so the audience would experience the show like a television broadcast, even seeing themselves on screen periodically.
At one point, the camera caught me asleep in my seat, and it took the booming voice of Johnson to rouse me.
I’m sure reading this, those involved with the production of The Dead Guy will, grouse something to the effect of – “Why should anyone believe his opinion of our show when he was asleep?”
To which I would respond, “Sleep was my opinion.”
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