By Ernest Kearney One-man show, "Clark Wade - A Jazzy Tragedy," is a stylish recounting of the rise and fall of Clark Wade, one of the Big Easy legendary “Gentlemen of Leisure.”
By Ernest Kearney — The Indomitus Theatre Company is young…. Very young. They are in the flush of discovery of the power and the magic that is the wonder of stage. I have no doubt that as they gather more years and more experience that
By David Nairne — "Son Of A Bitch," running at the Broadwater during Hollywood Fringe 2019, focuses on Lee Atwater’s — Republican-Strategist-Liar-Driven-Liar-Brilliant-Liar-Son-of-a-Bitch— rise to power. The piece asks and answers two important questions:
By Ernest Kearney — It was the sight of torch-wielding marchers parading through the streets of Charlottesville, Virginia chanting, “Jews shall not replace us,” in 2017 that inspired Moti Buchboot to tell the story of his Grandmother’s survival during the Holocaust
By Ernest Kearney — We enter the Broadwater, the venue where I was covering my first show for Hollywood Fringe 2019, to the recording of individuals revealing whatever it is they are afraid of:
By Ernest Kearney — Porters of Hellsgate Theatre Company has dedicated itself to the plays of Shakespeare; with "Double Falsehood," part of the Hollywood Fringe for 2019, they have moved into the realm of debated plays by the Bard.
By Ernest Kearney — The onset of Alzheimer’s and the devastation it wreaks on lives has been oft chronicled and the ravages of illness upon the gay community has been examined to near excess in the phalanx of AIDS centered plays; to the extent that