By Ernest Kearney — I Am Not A Man is a stand up routine trying to pass for a solo show, more than anything else, and usually those are less than successful. What saves this one from that fate is the sincerity of the Writer/Performer Heather Kozlakowski. That she is trying to carve out her performance niche is apparent. She hasn’t found her voice yet and is still struggling to come to grips with her stage persona.
But in sharing her story of the little fat girl whose father wanted her to fill the role of the son he never had, Kozlakowski proves that when she does find her “voice” she will have plenty to say, and while she hasn’t, yet, managed to discover her persona, it is not because she doesn’t have a surplus of personality from which to work.
I Am Not A Man is a start, not a great start by any means but, definitely, not a fall-on-your-face-right-outa-the-gate start either.
That Kozlakowski needs work can’t be denied, but neither can it be denied that she has something to work with.
Besides, anybody who gets out of Detroit shows they’ve got something on the ball.
And for that Kolakowski and her show earns –
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Click HERE to read more Hollywood Fringe reviews from Ernest Kearney on the TVO website.
I Am Not A Man was presented at Studio C during Hollywood Fringe Festival 2019.
To learn more about Writer/Performer Heather Kozlakowski go to: