By Ernest Kearney — Vice is a futuristic, dystopian drama, chock full of revolution, the dominance of virtual reality to keep populations docile, a matriarchal dictatorship, families torn apart, techno-enforced totalitarianism, and an ever-present “Big Sister” to assure compliance.
Vice has everything except a coherent plot and engaging characters. Even the central figures, —a husband and wife (Mahmoud Mahmoud and Juliette Lin) who struggle for the supremacy of reality over the prison of the virtual, and who are meant to provide the narrative drama— lack the least connection.
There is a good deal of video used in this production. I didn’t think it was, overall, used well.
No Medal awarded.
* * *
Vice has been extended. The next Virtual Showing is:
Friday September 10 2021, 8:00 PM | 75 mins
Pacific Time (US & Canada)Streamed from Zephyr Theatre (Zephyr Theatre)virtual performance
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