By Ernest Kearney — Right off, Writer/Performer Lisa Pezik is this side of amazing. In taking us through the story of Luna, a daughter desperate to escape the influence of a mother who is slightly less toxic that Chernobyl, Pezik employs 25 characterizations; including those of “Shame,” the “Warrioress,” the two inner voices battling for her attention and drag queen “Dynamite Delight.”
Pezik’s transitions from character to character are dynamically delineated facilitating both the dramatic and comedic aspects of her story. Bridging the chapters of her tale are seven songs by Pezik and Drew Lawrence, and under the direction of Heather Dowling the show moves at a good, brisk pace. Where the show runs into problems are in those songs and its length. It is about a quarter hour too long.
This seems to be a very personal show to Pezik, and likely she wants to tell it all. Unfortunately, it not “personal” to an audience, it’s “entertainment.” Pezik’s tale includes the story of Luna’s difficult birth of her first child. I understand she wants to show that Luna has finally, through therapy and the love of her husband, broken the toxic cycle of bad parenting inherited from her mother. This is valid dramatically but relating at length the complicated birth of Luna’s son is not. It’s the revelation that needs to be delivered, not the baby.
Contributing to the unnecessary length of the show are the number of songs.
Pezik has an agreeable voice which is made more sellable by a strong sense of presentation. However, of the seven songs, three are superfluous with lyrics that are redundant.
Accompanying Pezik on Piano is Drew Lawrence with craftsman-like choreography by Pamela Najera. The presence of a superb signer in TL Forsberg was a thoughtful addition.
I wish to stress that the difficulties I found in Too Big For Her Britches do not lessen in any way the impressive performance by Pezik.
These impediments I’ve mentioned within the production are not insurmountable but could be easily addressed and should have been early on in the piece’s development.
The less than desirable result of the failure to do so is that Pezik outshines her own show.
Still, a GOLD MEDAL.

Too Big for Her Britches
playing the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2022

The Zephyr Theatre
7456 Melrose Ave,
Los Angeles, CA 90046
Performance Dates:
Tuesday, June 7, 2022, at 9:30pm
Friday, June 17, 2022, at 7pm
Saturday, June 25, 2022, at 2:45pm
General Admission: $15.00
Admission 13+
Content Note: Talks about bulimia, self-harm, suicide, and some four-letter words.
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