By Ernest Kearney — A spin on the popular “The Show That Went Wrong” formula has an acting company arriving late at the Three Clubs Bar minus half their company requiring that audience members be press-ganged into substituting for them.
From there the silliness proceeds, in Not Another Midsummer, with the audience encouraged to participate in a drinking game and imbibing at every utterance of the word: “Love.”
The audience I sat among seemed to enjoy this raucous romp well enough; myself less so.
I found the cast uneven with some standouts – those actors portraying Hernia, Peter Ouince and Titania I would love to credit by name but not being supplied a program and not finding any mention of them on the Fringe site I fear they must remain anonymous in this review.
However my major problem with this 90-minute show was that it ran nearly an hour over. Even when a performance is the last show on a particular night, this is simply unacceptable.
If you want an excuse to get plastered and have a few snickers in the process then here’s a show for you.
No Medal.
Not Another Midsummer
Playing during the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2022

Three Clubs
1123 N VINE ST
Wednesday June 15 2022, 6:30 PM
Wednesday June 15 2022, 9:00 PM
Wednesday June 22 2022, 6:30 PM
Wednesday June 22 2022, 9:00 PM
For Additional Information and Tickets: