By Ernest Kearney – A big one-eyed pink gob skitters on stage; a belching, burping, farting, gurgling kinda cuddly pink blob who wants to play catch.
Then begins the metamorphosis: We follow the evolution of blob to the apple tree with obligatory serpent then through to the ape with back problems finally culminating in modern man “cro-magnon dude.”
In all this, George Aivaliotis entertains his audience with a solid fifteen minutes of extremely clever clowning. The problem, however, is that Soft Animal is an hour-long show.
Mr. Aivaliotis acknowledges this on stage, explaining to his audience that engaging in a spontaneous exploration of topics is part of his process. Now, let me explain to Mr. Aivaliotis that audiences do not come to the theatre to watch a spontaneous exploration of a topic. They come to see a show.
Granted, this was a preview, and it is hoped that Mr. Aivaliotis will develop and solidify his concepts into the final realization of what he wants Soft Animal to be. And it is also hoped that he manages to do this before the Fringe ends.
The old show biz adage “always leave them wanting more” is a proven truth, but its application is intended for an audience to experience as they’re leaving the theater, not for when they’re in the middle of a show.
Soft Animal
The Broadwater (Studio)
1078 Lillian Way
Friday June 14 2024, 11:55 PM | 1hr
Saturday June 15 2024, 11:55 PM | 1hr
Tuesday June 25 2024, 5:00 PM | 1hr
Friday June 28 202

For Additional Information