By Ernest Kearney — Goldbaby is a humorous horde comprised of Jed Alcantara, Lauren Burwell, Emily Champlin, Nick Coluzzi, Brian Fitzgerald, Eli Magers, Kelsey Risher, Billy Ritter, Kyna Wise, Rebecca Hoobler, Tatiana Krokar, Matt Park and Jim Rowley. (Okay, it’s a small horde, big deal.)
They are a sketch group cut from the same cloth as Saturday Night Live, but to their credit they are more consistently funny than SNL has been since John Belushi was at the Chateau Marmont ordering out for a speedball.
The skits are varied; the longer ones include an interrogation room bit where a suspect is being grilled by good cop/no cop.

There’s “Office Small Talk” a parody of Jeopardy with the categories Weekend Plans, The Weather, Monday, Morning Commute and The Weather. It nicely gives substance to the old adage “office relationships – nothing personal.”
Among the shorter bits is a scene from the movie Ghost which starred Demi Moore and seven Patrick Swayzes.
Behind the performers and stretching across the back of the stage, at the Stephanie Feury Studio, is a screen that provides the required background for each segment and is employed to present the occasional filmed segue such as “Rain in L.A.” and a nicely crafted send-up of charity commercials with an appeal to “Save the Man Children.”
The evening’s GPM (Gags Per Minute) is impressive, but more so their LPM (Laughs Per Minute) as just about all the segments right on down to the slam dunks score nicely.

Producers Michael Blaha and Samantha de Gyarfas have slicked the holy monkey nipples off this production by sparing no expense in the high-end visual razzle-dazzle that plays throughout the show’s rapid fire high jinks.
A SILVER MEDAL – but a very, very shiny one.
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