By Ernest Kearney In “Unwrapped: Life After Giftedness,” Kira Wallace has done some excellent writing, filling her solo-show script with clever and exceedingly poignant lines.
By Ernest Kearney — “Rhythm Delivered” features DrumatiX, a gaggle of tap-dancing percussionist clowning mimes unleashed on the Fringe by Choreographer Noa Barankin…
By Ernest Kearney — I sat through one presentation of the musical “So Proudly We Hailed,” then immediately sat through a second presentation with a different cast.
By Ernest Kearney — In “Sherlock Holmes: The Last Act,” Nigel Miles-Thomas excels as the legendary detective from a script by David Stuart Davies, a connoisseur of all things 221B Baker Street.
By Ernest Kearney — Part of the reason that show, "Shagadelic" works so well is that Writer/Performer Michael Blaha could easily be a tenured academic of any Ivy League University.
By Ernest Kearney — In his show "Mark Pleases You," Vigeant provides enough wackiness to overload the largest three rings any circus has ever had to offer.
By Ernest Kearney — I am an aficionado when it comes to Flamenco. I am also a huge fan of both Aylin Bayaz and Raul Mannola and their show Flamencodanza.""