By Ernest Kearney — This Hollywood Fringe (HFF23) has not had a sweeter show, and the ingredients that went into making a success of Cross My Heart are few but well-selected.
First, there is the engaging and skilled Hannah Aslesen who connects with her audience the instant she steps before.
Second is the honest and sincere story of a relationship facing great difficulty, and here that relationship is between Hannah and her eleven-year-old self. Most of us have struggled to achieve harmony between our youthful expectations forged in the naivety of childhood and that reality constructed for us in the non-union sweatshop of adulthood.
Hannah’s task is somewhat more formidable in that she must explain to the eleven-year-old very devout and very judgmental Christian Hannah how it is she would end up at thirty the clearheaded, very secular, and very happily gay Hannah.

And finally, to portray her eleven-year-old self we have a young puppet Hannah worked, wonderfully, by Puppeteer and Director Cole Wadsworth.
The results are a show surfeit of sweetness, sincerity, substance, and style with drollic delights to boot.
That’s a Gold Medal in my book…
Cross My Heart
played during the
Hollywood Fringe Festival 2023
For Hollywood Fringe Festival Details, Cross My Heart Show Information Click HERE.