By Ernest Kearney — Trying began as a CalArts venture entitled Self Portrait Project and it is what it is, an emotional shaggy dog story more Yorkshire Terrier than Bernese Mountain Dog.

A wretched soul exiled to an unsympathetic friend’s attic wallows in a pool, two-parts self-pity, one-part BevMo! warehouse, and in forty-five minutes manages to follow a broken heart through the seven levels of hell to achieve a small but significant redemption.
As a drama, it’s rather broken by its brevity, but as a slice-of-life character study, albeit a very thin slice, it does succeed due to Playwright/Actor Chance Lang, whose very strong, very sincere, and ever-so-very engaging performance, sells it.
For that performance a Silver Medal.
Trying is playing at the
Hollywood Fringe Festival 2023
at the
Asylum @ Stephanie Feury Studio Theatre in Hollywood.
For Hollywood Fringe Festival Details, Trying Show Information and Tickets Click HERE.