By Ernest Kearney — Playwright Lauren Gundersen has a flair in farming history for fascinating feminists – astronomer Henrietta Swan Leavitt who devised a galactic “measuring tape” (Silent Sky,)
By Ernest Kearney — In Unrivaled, Playwright Rosie Naraski introduces audiences to Murasaki Shikibu and Sei Shōnagon, two celebrated authoresses of 11th century Japan.
By Ernest Kearney — Well like a phoenix rising from a pandemic pyre the Hollywood Fringe Festival 2022 is here! Two hundred and twenty-six shows will entertain, amuse, inspire, thrill and dazzle audiences throughout the month of June. And here is a sampling of what
By Ernest Kearney — John Fleck is an imposing figure in the history of Los Angeles theatre and beyond. His shows have shocked, enticed and entertained audiences across the nation and the world.
By Ernest Kearney — “Why?”
Whether one is leaving an exhibit of Banksy’s stenciled, naked, nine-year-old Phan Thi Kim Phúc fleeing her napalmed Vietnamese village or a Diamanda Galás “Scream Opera,” or a screening of the Jordan Peele film US; the sentient audiences are
By Ernest Kearney — “Sugar and Sh*t,” at the Hollywood Fringe Festival '21, is full of moments that clash and tumble and deprive both the actresses and their audience of the show that could have been. Which is a pity because
By Ernest Kearney — “Tomb” borrows from Stephen King’s The Shining and George Lukas’ classic THX 1138. There’s nothing wrong with that, except they haven’t borrowed the interesting parts.