By Ernest Kearney — The onset of Alzheimer’s and the devastation it wreaks on lives has been oft chronicled and the ravages of illness upon the gay community has been examined to near excess in the phalanx of AIDS centered plays; to the extent that
By Ernest Kearney — A chair and a twisted statue are all that is on the stage as the audience shuffles in the dimness to find and settle into their seats for "Hide Your Fires: Butoh Lady Macbeth." The customary pre-show buzz of conversation
By Ernest Kearney — An Amazing Abyss of Artsy Abstract Absurdity.* I ran into Mitchell Bisschop, ("Pit Of Goblins" writer/performer) on my way to see "Mil Grus." “Oh, joy!” he exclaimed – or words to that effect – when I told him
By Ernest Kearney — Edward C. Goodman is a Fringe veteran of such HFF laff-generators as "Mr. Mark Twain Answers All Your Questions and The Poe Show." I’m happy to see that producers Kristen Boulé got him off his meds long enough for this
By Ernest Kearney — Well what do you know? Here’s The Tvolution’s final list of recommendations prior to the opening of the 2019 Hollywood Fringe Festival, which runs the entire month of June. And they are a captivating catalog to say the least
By Ernest Kearney — Hershey Felder began doing his solo shows based on the lives of great composers some twenty-five years ago at the old Tiffany Theatre on Sunset Boulevard. This fact is missing from his resume to avoid having to deal with the East
By Ernest Kearney — Step by step, inch by inch – The Hollywood Fringe Festival 2019 draws nearer.
Must say, I think this is going to be an exceptional year. First, because there seems to be a larger percentage of veterans than