"How to Love Your Dictator: Olga & Ludmila’s Guide to Fascism" is an American broadcast of the popular Russian talk show (with Kate Rappoport and Andra Moldav as the hostess-chets).
A man brings his guitar and a cooler out to the beach, and as he faces the setting sun tries to decide whether he can make peace with the ghost of his abusive mother or if his memories of her need to sink beneath the
In "Andy: The Red-Nosed Warhola," director/adapter Ezra Buzzington has crafted a swift, stylish and oh so entertaining rendering of the iconic persona of Andy Warhol. (Hollywood Fringe 2017)
"The Tomb" by Ed Sharrow (at the Complex Theatre during Fringe 2017) is an encapsulated tale of Anthony the Great, also called Anthony of Egypt, who was a 4th century Christian mystic.
Panos Vlahos, making his U.S. debut at Hollywood Fringe (2017) in “Mistero Buffo,” combed three pieces from the last half of author Dario Fo’s work in order to fashion his show and, in doing so, has chosen the most scandalous of the text.
In the hands of the right actors "The Complete Works of William Shakespeare," by playwrights Adam Long, Daniel Singer and Jess Winfield, is a juggernaut of mirth and mayhem. In this instance, the “right actors” would be: Paul Green, Jordan Merimee and Dorian Tayler.
The Boundless Artists Theatre Company has presented Fringe audiences with a production of the fairy tale The Little Mermaid, which is unique in its faithfulness to the original 1837 version by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen.
Here you’ll find all the dark and disturbing aspects lobotomized
In spite of a ferociously inappropriate title, "Two Motherfuckers on a Ledge," running at Asylum @ Studio C during the Fringe, is nevertheless a treat for those whose grey matter is still supple and functioning
Conceived, written and produced by Linden Waddell — who also performs, with Miller directing — Hello Again! The Songs of Allan Sherman is exactly what it states itself to be, “a musical romp featuring the genius of Allan Sherman’s parody lyrics.”
As the nerdiest kid this side of the Rockies, I lived for the cheesy Sci-Fi that oozed out of the fifties like the blob outa a whiffle ball: "It Came from Outer Space," "This Island Earth," "The Crawling Eye." "Robot Monster," a musical at this