By Ernest Kearney — As someone who is bored to tears by sports and once even fell into a six-week coma when I accidentally turned on the TV to a curling event, I was amazed at how infectious Brett Moore’s "Batter Up: Double Play" was.
Ernest Kearney — Alli Miller-Fisher has been a Fringe staple ever since I’ve been involved, and her performances both as an actress and in work with Cherry Poppins Productions
By Ernest Kearney — Take Vladimir Nabokov’s 1955 novel Lolita, replace the titular blond “nymphet” with Thomas, the cartoon train, then cast Betty Boop to play him - viola! You’ve got “Mel McGlensey is Motorboat.”
By Ernest Kearney — Lionsgate’s’ quartet of John Wick movies constitutes one of the most successful film franchises in cinema history having amassed over a billion dollars in ticket sales between 2014 to 2023.
By Ernest Kearney — In his show "Furiozo," Polish clown Piotr Sikora develops an interesting relationship with his audience, one comparable to those relationships between the iceberg and the Titanic