By Ernest Kearney — We have seen these types of shows, wherein one character is contemplating suicide; “Every Brilliant Thing,” “Suicide, Incorporated,” “'Night, Mother” and others
By Ernest Kearney — Lady Penelope (Writer/Performer Penny Peyser) prances out on stage in her Elizabethan gown and red Kid sneakers. Apparently, during our long national quarantine, she was perfectly snug with her cat, composing sonnets while in blissful solitude.
Lady Penelope abhors modern free verse,
By Ernest Kearney — "Wounded" is an engine firing on all cylinders with a strong script by Jiggs Burgess, under the deft direction of Spencer Frankeberger.
By Ernest Kearney — Australian Singer/Actress Rainee Blake builds a time machine in the Three Clubs Stage Room for her homage to Joni Mitchell, then manages to herd all of her audience into it to be transported back to 1976
By Ernest Kearney — Filling in for the regular stage manager, Miles sweeps the floor, readies the stage, and tries to placate the impatient audience while it waits for the late and very unprofessional Blake to arrive and start his one-man show.
By Ernest Kearney — My passion for the art of clowning constantly comes as a surprise to most people, while I find the general public’s dismissal of “clowns” as annoyances depressing and even distressing. (HFF23 coverage continues)
By Ernest Kearney — Writer/Performer Richard Shelton’s "Sinatra: Raw" is, in a fashion, the mirrored opposite to the other musical homage of HFF23, Performer Rainee Blake’s "Take Me As I Am: A Joni Mitchell Tribute."
By Ernest Kearney — The frustration with one-man show, "Criminal Defence," is that Writer/Performer Murray Meyer has been a practicing lawyer in Los Angeles for a good number of years, and during that period has pick up his share of stories worth telling.