By Ernest Kearney — Playwright Carolyn Gage announces that the "Maid of Orlèans," in her 1987 play, "The Second Coming of Joan of Arc," resonates with modern sensibilities.
By Ernest Kearney — Owen Thomas’ hour-long playlet relates a story told countless times in the history of this nation; that of immigrants coming to this country in search of a new life.
By Ernest Kearney — “You wouldn’t read about it in a book.” Here you have the most striking line of New Zealand Playwright Gary Henderson’s "An Unseasonable Fall of Snow."
By Ernest Kearney — A spin on the popular “The Show That Went Wrong” formula has an acting company arriving late at the Three Clubs Bar minus half their company requiring that audience members be press-ganged into substituting for them.
By Ernest Kearney — Set in a bungalow at the Beverly Hills Hotel in 1961, Elizabeth Taylor (Kayla Boye) shares with an unseen interviewer, and the audience, her life story
By Ernest Kearney — Bianca Singer has an engaging persona, but that persona seems out of place within her one-woman show "Authentic Self: The Quarantine Diaries."
By Ernest Kearney — I am a self-confessed sucker for good clowning and Bonnie He offers that up in her one-woman creation, "A Terrible Show for Terrible People."